Happy, happy New Year {first_name}! Welcome to 2022!! I hope the first day of the Year is off to a great start!
I also wanted to take a moment again to thank you for rockin with me through 2021, being a part of the Beauty of Strength community!!
So far, so good for me. I'm actually staying in a little cute cabin in the woods for the holiday weekend! I'll be hitting the slopes tomorrow here in Park City, Utah.
It's my first ski stomping grounds, lol! It's where I first learned and took lessons. I fell a million times, lol. Falling less now. 😆
It should be smooth as ice tomorrow, lol. I think they say if you ain't falling, you ain't skiing!
I am much, much better already.
Anywho, STRONG friend, popping in to invite you to join the STRONGER Way Strength training membership for 2022!
And an offer for an irresistible deal to get 12 months for the price of 10!
1-day New Year Flash Sale for 12 months of structured, consistent programming that will get you that "toned" look you desire, aka muscle building. Which ultimately means building muscle and retaining it.
And the best way of doing that is under load (using resistance - the weights) & creating tension to our lovely muscles, while progressive overloading them over time as you get STRONGER!
As you know, it ain't all about aesthetics, but many women want to feel and look fit, and STRONG. A look of STRONG, jacked, swole, etc... words that come from them.
Strength training is soooo much more, though; I could fill up a whole email with the benefits of Strength Training! You already know those, so we don't have to dive into those today!
One thing about strength training benefits is that it's just something different in terms of how the body feels in comparison to just doing cardio-only or cardio-based circuits with weights. IYKYK. If you don't, you will, when you really do REAL Strength Training, not circuits with weights!
We are getting STRONG, hence the STRONGER Way, in mind, body, and soul.
Increasing the squat, heck squatting better, hitting PR's in your deadlifts, everyday activities are done without pain, getting better at push-ups, more confidence, more proficient in the gym, looking like you lift, having the appearance of muscle without flexing!
In a recent conversation with a client, she literally told me she's been lifting many years but doesn't look like she lifts. << She said that to me. She wants that, wants to look like she lifts, be able to lift her suitcase like a boss, feel
better, etc. Many women do!!
Many women are chasing the wrong things to achieve muscle...
- Too much cardio with little to no focus on strength training. It's more of an afterthought.
- Not eating enough intentionally or unintentionally, aka always "trying" to lose weight.
- Toning in the traditional sense... light reps, high repetitions, with 15 exercises per workout. That doesn't build muscle mass.
- Not following a solid structured program, being random with their workouts. Or trying to piece together workouts from IG, Pinterest, etc.
If you are serious about your Strength and muscle-building efforts, the above will not serve you well or lead you in the direction that you want to go.
Being random comes at a high cost; those free workouts aren't free; they cost your time and muscle/strength gains! And if you get any results at all, they are random at best.
Lastly, how many times have you said this to yourself or a friend >> If I just lose more weight, I'll look toned. Have you said this many times?
And the many times, you never actually do. It's because it's not a weight-loss issue; it's a lack of muscle issue.
To wrap it on up...
Maybe you do it differently this year. Perhaps it's time to turn your efforts to really dedicating some time to a muscle-building phase.
What can you add vs. take away! We are quick to take away, remove, ban things when we want to improve our health., get fit, etc...
But what can you ADD that will improve your quality of life!
You can add muscle, Strength, increased quality of life, add some protein, actually eat some veggies, drink more water.
Add the Big Rocks!
That's that STRONG friend.
Don't miss this opportunity again to build your mind, body, and soul. Strength training will do that!
The 12 months for 10-month cost goes away in 24 hours. Yes, sure I will offer again, but it won't be for a while, so don't wait!
Check the membership options out & sign-up here:
Here's what you can expect from STRONGER Way….
A straightforward training plan that is designed to help you increase your Strength & build muscle. A plan that also shows the how and the why!
You can expect to see results because when you follow a program with repetition, consistency, and progressive overload, you can't help but to see gainz. #GainzTrain
Are you in? Ready to do it differently this year? Start your STRONG journey! Let 2022 be your STRONGEST Year yet... where you leave the yo-yo diets alone, the extreme measures, and stop leaving your gainz on the table!
Grab the Full Membership Option here or the DIY Membership Option here!
Whelp, I hope you consider joining STRONGER Way! This offer expires in 24 hours. Don't miss this amazing offer!
Have a great day, STRONG friend. And an Amazing 20222!
In Strength & to Your Success,