Hey, hey !
Look, here's the deal...
Your "goal" body has more muscle mass than you think it does.
It's not a matter of losing more and more weight.
You've been trying to lose weight for as long as you can remember... am I right, or am I right?
You say I could stand to lose 5, 10, or even 15 lbs!
You have lost that; I'm willing to bet more times than one. Then gained it all back. Am I right, or Am I right?
Then you start the cycle again. You lose it, gain it, lose it... you know the drill!
When you're in another lose-it phase or onto the next best diet on the market... you look in the mirror and still see things you want to lose, pinch, etc.
You flex, look at your shoulders, turn around, look at your butt and your back, and don't see what you thought you would see.
Do you?
You thought you would see the tone? Where is the tone?
You thought you would look toned up.
What gives?
Well, STRONG friend, you didn't have much muscle, to begin with.
It's not more fat/weight loss you need. You need more muscle!!
The muscle that you did have... you have dieted off many times.
And when you gain the weight back from those diets, you gain most of the weight (fat mass) back plus some, but not the muscle. The muscle is long gone.
Side Note: During too extreme dieting phases, the body will get rid of muscle because it's expensive.
Muscle tissue is metabolically active and requires more calories to preserve the muscle.
The body will switch to hanging on to our body's fat because that is how our bodies are hard-wired. It doesn’t give a damn that you want to lose some weight.
You don't even realize it at first... the signals are there, though, right?
Some of the signals:
- you can't stick to the diet for more than a few days if that
- you're more tired
- irritable
- pre-occupied with thoughts of food
- hungrier and less satiated
- look depleted
- have no pump
- no energy
- hard time sleeping
- are always cold
- may have experienced hair loss
- workouts suck
- moving less
Just to name a few. I could go on and on; I know you know.
Also, you didn't prioritize lifting during your dieting phases, which hugely impacts how much muscle you retain during a dieting phase.
You went in on the cardio activity and probably only did light weights, cardio-based circuits, or no lifting at all. Again, am I right, or Am I right?
It's not another diet or more weight to lose; it’s muscle ya need.
STRONG friend, you need to intentionally build muscle... for at least 6 -8 months at the minimum.
You will have to get out of the mindset of always pursuing weight loss.
The physique you desire has more muscle than you think, and you don't gain muscle when you are cutting... we maintain it and still should train like you are building it.
All this to say, if you've been frustrated for a long, long time, pursuing weight loss all year round, frustrated with the results after many dieting periods, I would take a long hard look at considering spending time to build muscle!
If you need someone to guide you through the process... book a 1:1 Connection Call to see how you and I could work together.
It is my duty to help you build a STRONG resilient body & help you rebuild your metabolism from years of under eating or dieting.
Thank you for reading. I hope the rest of your week is amazing!
In Strength & to Your Success,