Yes, yes, we are talking about bagels today.
Bagel Thins vs. A real WHOLE Bagel.... who wins!
We choose the Bagel Thin because it's lower in calories, lighter, and has the perceived health halo effect, and the biggest reason people choose it is because it's lower in carbs! You're nodding your head, aren't you?!
There is nothing inherently wrong with a bagel thin, and if you genuinely enjoy it and if it satisfies you...
Sure thing, before someone @ me, yes, duh, the bagel thin does have fewer calories - it still doesn't make it the better option for fat loss or for building balanced meals.
However, if it's leaving you unsatisfied and still hungry an hour or so after you eat it, then the bagel thin ain't it. It might also be the way you are building the bagel meal as a whole!
The bagel thin is chosen over the WHOLE ASS BAGEL - just funny emphasis for me saying it that way because most folks think it is the better option for weight/fat loss. Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the person.
Check out my latest REEL here for a little chuckle on eating the WHOLE ASS BAGEL!
Just because you are eating low carbs doesn't necessarily mean you'll lose weight if it leaves you unsatisfied physically & psychologically.
If it leaves your hunger unchecked. If it leaves you with no energy. Â
You may have heard me say that your Hunger, Energy, & Cravings must be in check a million and one times. Otherwise... you know what happens next.
You know the drill...
You'll be looking for something within the hour, or you'll be mowing down the pantry at the end of the day after your last meal because you've been essentially not eating enough since the start of the bagel thin that morning!
Hear, hear you can have WHOLE ASS Bagels and still make progress. You are not ruining your progress.
If you enjoy bagels, you can have them. If you feel like you need permission, here it is. Eat the Bagel, STRONG friend!Â
You don't have to cut real bagels out of your diet. Cut corners somewhere else if you prefer a real bagel!
While having either one of the bagels just by themselves might not be the best way to eat it, so make sure it's a balanced meal...Â
If it's a bagel sandwich that my client and I talked about... which inspired the REEL and now this email, build up the bagel
so that it has staying power and so that you feel well-fed physically & psychologically
How to build out your Bagel:
1) Be sure it has PROTEIN - lunch meat, egg, etc.
2) if you like greens on your sammies, make sure that's on there - I love arugula and or spinach on my bagel sandwiches!
3) A fat option, a slice of cheese or cream cheese, etc.
If it's breakfast when I am eating my bagel sandwich, I also throw a side of berries with it. 😋
I am so satisfied for hours - hunger and energy are in check, and no cravings or exploring for something else to eat. Not 1 or 2, sometimes 3-4 hours this meal lasts me.Â
Depending on the situation, this meal will get me all the way to training time - I train early afternoon most days. If I feel I may get potentially hungry during my lift, I will have a light-ish meal before I lift, like a piece of fruit + protein bar or rice cake with some tuna on top.
All this to say, STRONG friend, even if you have fat loss goals, you can still eat bagels and reach your body composition goals.Â
Eating too little usually backfires and leads to overeating later, which is why you struggle with your fat loss goals. You are stuck in the mindset that carbs are bad and eat little as possible mentality, aka the diet mentality. It never works long-term, does it?!
Okay, I'll leave that there for you to stew on!
The winner of the two is the one that you like, the one that keeps you full physically & mentally & brings you joy, not necessarily the one that is lighter!
Peace, love, and bagels!
Have a great weekend, STRONG friend!
In Strength & to Your Success