I hope this email finds you well!
So, I often get asked how I work out, how I lift, how long, how many days I work out, etc.
- I move/walk daily! As well as restorative type activities that are beneficial to recovery from training!
- I lift 3-4 times a week depending on my program for my training block. I always have at least 2 complete non-training days.
You do not have to or need to be lifting 6 or 7 days a week - a lot of folks are under this impression. I guarantee that you are not truly lifting or seeing results from that much training if you are.
Furthermore, as the email subject line says... Put these on repeat:
- Squat (knee dominant exercises)
- Hinge (hip/ham dominant exercises)
- Lunge ( single leg joint exercises)
- Press/Push
- Pull
- Carry
Rinse & Repeat forever!
As well as eating well... staying well-fed are the keys that support gainz!
Sticking to the program for at least for 4 weeks is the MINIMUM. When you are constantly changing things ups, you will not get the strength levels you want or the building of your beautiful muscles.
STRONG friend, your muscles do not need confusion or mixing it up all the time... keep the body guessing mentality. That dang P90X era sure did do a number on folk's mindset about working out.
Muscles need progressive overload, they need repetition, and they need the basics first and foremost!
If you want to get STRONGER, you must prioritize lifting right (you probably are lifting to a degree) but not getting the results you thought you would get. You gotta lift weights that are challenging, yes, of course, safely. We train smart, we train hard, but we recover harder.
If you want to be able to:
- perform push-ups from your toes - multiple reps
- move better, perform better
- get a better stable deep squat
- deadlift your bodyweight- heck, rep it out for reps
- be able to do pull-ups
- hip thrust 3 plates on each side
- press 35 pounds either in a shoulder press or a bench press...
Even if those aren't your specific goals, lifting weights has many many many benefits!
Then you have to be consistent with your training for a long time. FOR YEARS!
You will not get STRONGER with randomness, bouncing from program to program, not honoring rest days, obsessing about scale weight, not sleeping 7-9 hours, or not eating enough to support strength and muscle growth. You will be hard-pressed to get the gainz that you desire.
With that said, STRONGER Way is open for enrollment. There is no time like the present if you have been waiting to join. Pop on in! Your gainz are waiting!
This month's training focus is well-rounded with a pyramid flair! Pyramid rep schemes add another level of progressive overload right in the workout with ascending or descending reps.
Looking forward to helping you reach your lifting goals.
Thank you for reading!
Happy Lifting!
Have a great week, STRONG friend!
In Strength & to Your Success
P.S. Any questions about STRONGER Way, just respond to this email!