Hello ! Happy Small Biz Saturday! My Small Biz Saturday deal for STRONGER Way starts TODAY!
Yes, you read that right! For just $22.50/week you get to train with me!
My Small Biz Saturday deal is a Year of training in the STRONGER Way for the price of 10 months!
Sign-up here for the Full Program ($22.50 a
Sign-up here for the Do-It-Yourself Program ($10.96 a week)
Wow, STRONG friend, that's less than what you would pay for 1 30 minute training session per week in a commercial gym, and that comes with no support outside of your training sessions.
With STRONGER Way, you're getting daily support and accountability, not just 2 or even 3 times a week. If you’re with me in STRONGER Way, I'm in touch with you 5 times a week.  And there is no guesswork on your part, and you’re not walking into the gym and getting a new workout every time you meet your trainer.
STRONGER Way's training is built with progressive overload in mind, always. You're consistently training the big lifts, building momentum on them each month through repetition and consistency. This is where the magic happens. This is how you will see the toned arms you have always wanted. This is how you get STRONGER!
Spend a year building that tone you want, along with curves, strength, function, and mobility. Yes, you'll definitely gain aesthetic changes along with increasing your strength!
- So, no more trying to figure out which workouts to do.
- No more getting lost in a sea of hundreds of people in a FB group. I keep STRONGER Way small & intimate so that it feels like you are working one on one with me. It won't be days before you hear back from me or get video form feedback on
your lifts!
- There is no need to continue saving random swipe workouts that aren't getting you any results.
- During your time in STRONGER Way, you will learn how much weight to use and
when to increase your weights.
- Not sure how to perform a lift? I'll be coaching you on form and technique - how to do the exercise correctly, along with demonstrations of each exercise. You will not have to look up exercises to figure out how to do them. I will do that for you!
No more guesswork for you. I handle the program design that will lead you to amazing results. I will challenge, guide you, help you progress, and even help you bust through plateaus.
Once you sign-up, you can get started and gain access to our coaching group via Slack. The December training plan is ready to go! Our first office hours group call is on December 7th.
And last but not least. I have a fast ACTION bonus for my Ambitious women who are ready to do the thing!
The first 5 women who sign-up for the Full Membership in the next 24 hours will get a Nutrition Audit call, where you
and I will review where you are nutritionally now and plan to get you where you want to be.
This is a fantastic offer because STRONGER Way has no custom nutrition coaching, just basic nutrition guidance. So, if you need help, customization, structure, and advice on
your nutrition, this is a no-brainer decision.