Hey, hey !
Good things could happen in a year! Lifting 1 hour-ish, give or take, lifting three times a week for 52 weeks a year is where the magic happens. Not that there's a truly magical
training split.
Let me explain, keep on reading.
First things first, this is not to say that two days, four days, or even five days of lifting has no place.
I also love a 4 day training split.
As long as the training volume is equated for/equal, the split does not matter. It comes down to personal preference and what you can ADHERE to, aka be Consistent with for the long haul. This is backed by science! Check it out here.
I love the sweet spot of 3 lifts a week.
There are may benefits
Here's why….
One - I've seen the power of it for myself. I've been training for 20 years now, working with
100's of women over the years and training with various coaches myself... I know a thing or two.
I made amazing gainz when I switched from a 4 or 5 times a-week lifts to a 3 times a week lifting program.
About 2 or 3 years ago, I switched to 3 times a-week Full- Body lifts for a whole year. I busted through old strength PRs like I've never seen before!! I was training way less, which allowed my body to recover adequately between lifting sessions!
what? The gainz happen when you're not training, aka outside of the gym the other days when we should be enhancing recovery!
My barbell hip thrust numbers reached the 400 lb range. My glutes and legs grew the most during this time. So, not only did I see strength gains, but also hypertrophy gains - aka muscle
I was simply amazed. Twenty years later, still making gainz! Wow!! Training 3 Lifts a week! 🤯
Even my gainz in back strength
went up. I finished a training block PRing my weighted Chin-up for 70 lbs.
Want to talk about looking toned... I even saw my shoulders & arms look more defined, and I rarely did a bicep curl. Lol, that's a topic for another time.
Most of the women that I have worked with over the years have made significant gainz, training 3 x a week and recovering well to actually see tone; aka, have visible muscle and strength gains!
These women switched from either 5-6 times a week or Bootcamp/group fitness style classes. Cardio type activity was the main dish, not lifting.
Not one of my clients who switched to 3 times a week complained or felt they needed more lifting days.
They trained fewer days, trained with intensity, ate enough food, prioritized their recovery, and again saw muscle and strength growth from doing fewer days in the gym.
Lol, the tone they
wanted was toning! 😝💪🏾
How Candace?
Glad you asked.
They trained smarter, they trained hard - they brought the intensity because they were well rested & well fed.
And consistently, to top it off! How can you not complete three lifts a week? Since they were being
consistent, they actually made notable progress in their physique aspirations.
To wrap it on up...
Most women are overtraining - working
out too much, being random, underfed, and under-recovered. You're not going to make significant progress, if any at all.
Am I lying? All that working out with nothing to show for it!
You're not going to get defined arms, better-looking glutes, or overall tone to the body by not training correctly.
So, if you are ready to make significant progress, my STRONGER Way Training offer is one of the best ways to work with
From now to November 30th @ 11:59 pm EST you have a chance to join the STRONGER Way Strength Training Program for a whole year for the price of 10 months.
2 Membership Options:
Full Coaching Support or Do It on Your Own (No Coaching Support).
With either
membership, you get a Structured Lifting Program with Progressive Overload Principles that will undoubtedly give you the tone you want!
Sign up here for the Full Membership Program
(Full Coaching Support with me through the entire year, the gainz in strength and muscle will be plentiful!)
Sign up here for the DIY version of the Program (No Coaching Support, but the gainz will still be gaining!)
Whelp, I hope you consider joining STRONGER Way! This offer expires at 11:59 pm EST on November 30th. Take advantage of this amazing offer! It won't be available at this price again
until next year.
Any questions about STRONGER Way, I am one click away.
Have a great day, STRONG friend.
In Strength & to Your Success,