!!! Happy December! Happy Sunday! Wow, it's the last month of the year. It doesn't seem real, lol! Where the heck does time go? I can't believe it. This year has flown by. I'm writing this email from Michigan. I'm here for the holidays. It's been great, it's the first time in a long time that I've been able to be home for both Thanksgiving and Christmas! 💃🏾🙌🏾 Let the celebrating commence! I hope this email finds you well. Wanted to share few things from November that you may have missed on the gram. Lol, I did intend to get this email out on the first, but ya know life. So, here we are now! These are few posts that got a ton of feedback, ones that were saved, or posts that the community found helpful: 1) Doing different workouts every week, with random exercises ain't it, sis. Click here to read what is it! 3) A lil chit chat Ted Talk situation on long lean muscles! If you want long lean muscles you'll have to trade your parents in! We discuss how train to achieve muscle, how to tone your
muscles, etc. You can't make your muscles longer. You can, however, build STRONG muscles through proper progressive strength training! 4) How To Build Your Push-up Strength: Tons of actionable tips and strategies to improve your Push-up Game! Just like the Pull-up, the Push-up has to be honed too. Practice, practice, practice, and practice some
more. It should always be in your training program in some form or fahsion. 5) A message on holiday eating ... You have every right to eat post holiday, no matter how much or what you ate the day before. If you do struggle with feelings of guilt, shame, etc., post indulgent meals, it's
imperative that you explore why and then work on your relationship with food! Hint, hint, it has A LOT to do with how restrictive you are and your dieting history. 6) A Lower Body Warm-up that is super simple and quick. I am stickler for for warming-up before you lift with a Dynamic Warm-up. Why, Coach? 1. To optimize performance! 2. You’ll move, perform, and feel better during your lifts. 3. Lube up the joints + prep the body for the work ahead. 4. The dynamic warm-up utilizes continuous movement, increases blood flow to the muscles, increases your range of motion, and prepares your nervous system. And last but not least what's been happening on the personal front during the month of November. Good food, good company, fall colors, some RV repairs, snow before Christmas - lol, now it's all melted. We thought we were going get some Michigan skiing
in, lol, nope! ⛷ The month is still young, so we might get some to skiing before we blow this popsicle joint! Whelp, that's a wrap. I'm excited for the month ahead. Pretty much every weekend is booked from now until I head to Colorado! That's how the
holidays go, I just roll with it. How was your month STRONG friend? Any highlights from the month or what you are looking forward to this month?! Hit reply, I'd love to hear. Thanks for reading, thanks for rocking with me. I hope you have an AMAZING December. Talk soon! In Strength & to Your Sucess, Xo Coach C
Any Trainer can make you tired, not any Trainer can make you