Happy Saturday, STRONG friend! And, Happy April!
Are you experiencing spring? Lol, or is it still winter? For me, it’s spring on some days and winter on other days here in Utah. It’s even both conditions on the same day, some days, lol.
I’m leaning in,
embracing it because what else can you do? Complaining won’t change it. Plus, the Spring Skiing has been so much fun. I’m on my way to ski here in a bit!
Anywho, I hope your Saturday is going well and the sun is sunning wherever you are in the world! ☀️ Let’s get into these training performance tips!
Strong friend, I wholeheartedly believe in the power of these training tips. They have made me the lifter that I am today. I don’t think I would have the gains that I have in strength, muscle, as well as my mobility, and recovery if they weren’t a part of my strength training journey!
One more thing before we dive in... STRONGER Way is open for Quarterly enrollment until the 7th of April. Take advantage of this opportunity to have your training plan laid out for you so that you can start getting the gainz that you want!
Alright, alright, alright, here we go with how to maximize your training
performance, progress & results…
1) Warm up with a proper warm-up before lifting!
It doesn’t have to be long. Do 3-5 rounds of some dynamic warm-up drills and then hit the iron. This will prep you for your lifts, bring your core temp up, prevent injury, warm up your joints, and get your mind ready for your training session.
2) Track your
So that you can see how you’re doing over time – see your progress – what weights you’re using over time. How will you know how much to aim for or progress in your weights week to week if you can’t remember what you did last week for your deadlift, for example?
3) The basics are important; they’re the foundation and should be prioritized in your training sessions.
I’m still doing the basics to this day, and I have been lifting for 21 years.
You should be Squatting, Hinging, Bridging/Thrusting, Lunging, Pushing, and Pulling in the vertical and horizontal planes and carrying the things.
I’m not standing on Bosu balls or doing combo exercises. Real lifting + resting long enough between your sets, not non-stop circuits, tons of supersets, or boot camp-style workouts.
I know it looks fun and sounds fun and can be very enjoyable, but it’s not building muscle or building strength!
4) Progressive Overload:
You must progress, do more overtime, or stay right where you are. If you want to get stronger and gain muscle, you’ll have to add more load, reps, or sets or vary the tempos, just to name a few.
5) Use good form - good
Never sacrifice form for more weight.
Do your exercises with a full range of motion –
safely and correctly, or only go to a depth that you can control.
If you can’t check your ego and lower the weight, earn the increased weight; don’t jump up too quickly. You’ll get there!
6) Stop program hopping and doing random workouts. Random workouts don’t produce the results that you want!
It’s important to follow a structured, well-designed program for the best results when it comes to getting
STONG and building muscle!
There is a time and place for a random workout, but if you want to build muscle and increase your strength or achieve performance goals, then you have to stay the course. Otherwise, you won’t see the fruits of your lifting!
Random workouts = Random Results << remember that when you’re wondering why you aren’t stronger or seeing any progress in your lifts!
7) How to Measure your
Workouts and your progress:
Chasing sweat and soreness is NOT a smart way to approach or measure your progress or whether or not it was a good workout.
Measure your workouts by improvements in strength - stronger with various lifts - lifting heavier weights, proficiency in your lifts - better form, better mind-muscle connection, how consistent you are, less DOMS/better recovery, gaining muscle, more mobile, you can do more reps, to name a few.
Train smarter, train harder, but recover harder. Chase performance, NOT Fatigue!
Last but not least…
8) Recovery - honor your recovery!
It supports all your hard work in the gym. The gainz will be gaining; the muscle will be muscling!
Rest days are just as important as your training days! This includes getting good sleep on a consistent basis—a minimum of 7 hours a night.
Eating enough calories, protein, and carbs! #WellFed
Staying hydrated, getting some steps in, and doing some leisure-type activities, just to name a few!
Whelp, that’s a wrap.
STRONG friend, thank you for reading. How's your strength training journey going? Reply back to this email. I’d love to hear!
Happy Lifting, Happy Gainz!
Have a wonderful weekend!
In Strength & to Your
P.S. If you have any questions about STRONGER Way, don't hesistate to ask away!