Hello, STRONG friend! I hope this email finds you well!
I was thinking about the lowest-hanging fruit ( a goal/habit (s), etc. that is easy to reach) when it comes to improving your health. I
know making changes can sometimes be daunting, but they don’t have to be.
I think that many people get too much in their heads about it and, of course, go to extremes with things. What we really need to do is make small changes.
Small changes are doable! Am I right?! You don’t get any cool points for trying to do the MOST. You can’t stick to the MOST, so start with what’s doable so that your adherence can stay HIGH!
Take baby steps, which means taking things one step at a time. When we keep things simple - the changes and things, that’s when things will stick and become sustainable.
P.S.S.S. is all about making simple, sane, and sustainable changes. Changes that don’t make you
completely overhaul your life all at once.
Even though P.S.S.S. is a 4 part framework, you can start with just one of the habits at a time.
More on P.S.S.S. here in a sec! Let’s do down memory lane real quick….
I like acronyms because they can help us remember things, facts, how to do something, systems, etc., like my A.M.E.N. acronym. If you’ve been here for a while, you might remember
it. If not, here’s a refresher. It works amazingly well in building your plate with simplicity in mind.
A - Always keep your water intake in check.
M - Meet your daily protein requirements - aim for .7g to 1g per lb of body weight.
E - Eat Mindfully -Slow down and pay attention to your satiety.
N - Nourish your body with fruit and veggies. Eat as many as you can, as often as you can. Start filling 1/2 of your plate with a vegetable that you enjoy!
It’s a super simple approach that you
can use daily to build your plate.
So with P.S.S.S., it can be used by anyone wherever you are on your journey.
P.S.S.S. is broken down with this…
P - Protein - get .7 - 1 gram per lb of body weight, or get at least 25-40 grams per main meal
S - Strength Train - at least 2 x a week
S - Sleep - get 7-9 hours a night
S - Steps - get your current average and then build upon it week to week! Before you know it, you’ll easily walk 7-10K!
Look at P.S.S.S. on a spectrum - start where you need the most improvement.
Get really consistent with one of them - it takes as long as it takes, and then add another, and so
on and so forth!
After a while, you’ll be doing all 4 of the habits with ease, and I bet you 100% that you won’t be the same person after you’ve implemented all of them, or even just one of them.
All 4 of em together is the Powerhouse of Health! And one of the side effects will include a change in body composition too!
I hope this lil acronym I came up with is insightful and helpful! I definitely know it’s
sustainable. I’ve been doing these for years.
And if fat loss is your goal… nail these first because when you go into fat loss, it will be easier, and you won’t have to try to build the habits while also being a calorie deficit, aka cut, aka fat loss phase!
Alright, alright, alright, that’s for now. Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful weekend, STRONG friend!