Hey, hey, STRONG friend!
I hope this email finds you well. Let’s talk about the C word! Lol! 😜 C is for Consistency!
When it comes to keeping up with our goals and habits, we often think we need to be 100% consistent and perfect. And aiming for perfection doesn't usually lead to very much progress, if any. However, staying 80% consistent is a more attainable and realistic goal, especially when life gets busy or stressful.
I often think about the phrase, "If there's a will, there's a way!" This means that even if things aren't perfect or exactly on target, we can still find a way to keep going.
Life is
always happening, and something will always come up. But we have a choice - we can let it derail us entirely or find a way to keep going.
Find a way to keep your healthy habits going, even during busy, stressful, or unpredictable seasons of life.
Even if it's not perfect, there's always a way to make it work. Let's aim for 80% consistency and keep pushing forward.
So, when it comes to
- Maybe you can’t get 4 workouts during the summer or months - so, instead of 4, how about 3 on non-consecutive days? 2 days a week is fine too!
- Make your workouts shorter
so that you can get in and out of the gym in a jip!
- I love the 4 x 40 Workout - 4 exercises, 10 reps - done and done!
- AMRAP Workouts -
complete As Many Rounds As Possible in the time that you have available - 8, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minutes.
- EMOM 6 x 6 x 6 Strength Circuit - 6 exercises - 6 reps of each every minute on the minute for 6 rounds.
- Example of
- Exercise 1 - Squat Pattern Exercise
- Exercise 2 - Horizontal Push Exercise
- Exercise 3 - Hinge Exercise
- Exercise 4 - Vertical Push Exercise
- Exercise 5 - Lunge Pattern Exercise
- Exercise 6 - Core exercise
- If you’re traveling, utilize the hotel gym and modify your workouts to fit the equipment that is available.
- Bands + Bodyweight exercises are good as well!
No kitchen to cook in because you are traveling often? No problem!
Here are a few ways to still be consistent with your eating while traveling or if you are staying with someone:
- Book a hotel with a suite that has a kitchen in it!
- Check the local food prep companies to get some nutrient-dense meals.
- As soon as you land and get your rental car, head straight to the grocery store to pick up some things to cook some of your meals at the hotel.
- Another way to keep on track with your nutrition is to order your groceries ahead of time through something like
Instacart before arriving at your destination and have them sent to the hotel or place you’re staying at.
- Make cooking simple by getting tuna or chicken packs, precut veggies, salad bags, bagged rice, or things of that nature. Easy peasy!
It doesn’t have to be all or nothing, nor should it be. If there is a will, there is a way! You don’t have to abandon your healthy habits, nutrition, workouts, etc. Just adapt, modify, improvise or adjust so that you can be consistent throughout the current season that you are in!
Something is always better than nothing!
I hope this email resonates with you; thank you for reading!
Have a wonderful week !
In Strength and to Your Success,