Happy March!!
STRONG friend, how'd February treat you? Good, alright, or Meh?!
How was your month, STRONG friend? What were some of your wins? Hit reply and share away!
Hmmmm... I'd rate this month alright. I didn't get as much accomplished as I hoped. I shall get it together this month. Jeff and I got settled in Utah. We are here for the next couple of
months. Workie is good, lifting is good, and skiing is going well.
Speaking of business, clients gainz, aka wins...
Clients are making gainz, lol, literally. A few of my virtual personal training clients have outgrown their weights. They're having to buy new weights!! It is my duty, lol. 😝💪🏾 We've put our heads together on what the next progression of weights should be. We are either adding fractional plates or a pair of adjustable
Speaking of training. If you would like accountability, support, and structure with your training, a coach to show up with you virtually 2-4 days a week, then check out my Virtual one-on-one Personal Training Program!
Also, I want to celebrate the progress of another client who
has crushed her goals, even when life was lifing-- She has nailed her fiber & protein habits, as well as her 12 flights a day, along with hitting 7K plus steps a day.
We started with 8 flights and worked our way up. Habits like these have tremendously impacted her physically and emotionally.
Also, this is the longest she has been consistent with her fitness, as well as her nutrition, plus many more lifestyle habits.
I couldn't be more
Anywho, let's get into this most valuable posts of February!
When you click the images below, you can read the full post on Instagram!
1 - It's never too late and you're too old!
STRONG friend, eradicate
the thought of it being to late to try something new, pick up a new hobby, start lifting, or what have you. If there's something you want to accomplish, figure it out, figure out the road map, and do it! You're not too old, and again, it's never too late.