Hey, hey ! Happy Sunday!
So many folks complicate nutrition. It can be really, really simple.
We got folks out here in these streets telling people not to eat fruit, eggs, vegetables, or oatmeal, just to name a few!
It's insane!
STRONG friend, it's quackery!
Watch who and where you are getting your nutrition information from.
It's the Wild Wild West out there. If you don't watch out, you could definitely end up with disordered eating, if you don’t have it already.
that makes me sad because I've been there myself. It ain't fun or freeing to have neurosis around food! #IYKYK It's not making you healthier individual at all.
So, smash that unfollow button on folks who spew quackery, dish out black-and-white nutrition advice, demonize single ingredients, and promote absurd results like losing 30 lbs in 30 days; you'll be better for
The way you eat should enhance your life, not stress you out or hinder it.
Find a way of eating that works for YOU while including nourishing foods and foods that you love - that light your soul up!
So, about those two things on your plate...
One is protein! PROtein it up! 0.7 -1 gram per lb of body weight. Aim for 30-50 grams of protein in your main meals.
Two, PROduce it up too!
Aim for a minimum of 25-30 grams of fiber a day from varied sources!
These two things done consistently have a significant impact on your nutrition and health because:
1) It's very filling.
2) It's nutritious.
3) Easy to implement.
4) It Doesn't require you to remove or add eleventy billion things.
5) It's
When your protein and fiber are in check, your hunger, energy, and cravings will be in check!
They're major dial movers. They're the biggest tools in the nutrition toolbox.
Do this with your plates, and you'll be gold! You really can't be wrong implementing these two pieces of nutrition.
Fill in the rest of your nutrition with foods that you love!
That's that STRONG
Thank you for reading ! Have the best week ahead!
In Strength & to Your Success,
Coach Candace