!! Happy New Year!
I want to wish you a fabulous New Year. This year, your assignment is you. Water You! Pour into you!
Be sure to fill your cup up with things that honor you, that honor your one and only body that you’ll ever have.
You don’t need another extreme diet, another quick fix, or random muscle-confusing workouts!
You can pursue strength and
longevity, train for performance, or train because it just feels good. Lifting is a privilege. It is a gift!
After all, lifting heavy things builds a resilient body.
You can pursue performance goals like completing your first chin-up or pull-up, overhead pressing half your
body weight, competing in powerlifting, running a faster 5K, or doing ten unbroken push-ups, try a new hobby, or start prioritizing a mobility routine.
Notice these goals have nothing to do with how your body looks. The sky’s the limit!
You can eat well/better without
You can eat in a balanced way that includes all the foods you love!
Some other nutrition goals for 2025 include eating more veggies and fruits, aiming for a minimum of 15 grams of fiber a day, eating at least 1g of protein per pound of body weight, less door-dashing,
and more home-cooked meals.
Just to name a few.
AND if you want to lose body fat, you can do that in a sane way, too!
Fat loss isn’t off the table, of course, but if
you’ve been pursuing weight/fat loss for as long as you can remember, it might serve you well to pursue some goals that have nothing to do with losing weight for a hot minute.
Imagine what your day-to-day life would be like if you weren’t always thinking about losing weight. Perhaps this year, you could spend time not dieting, pursuing strength and muscle building, getting better at
hobbies, pursuing a performance goal, etc.
STRONG friend, you can do it differently this year. I promise you won’t regret choosing a path that will leave you STRONG, nourished, well-fed, and feeling your best.
Wishing all the best for 2025!
If you’ve read this far, let’s switch gears! Here’s December’s recap of the Most valuable posts and the Top 9 posts of 2024!
All are clickable if you would like to read the caption/learn more/ or show some love on the post (sharing and saving content helps my content get more reach). If you are
new here, I send a monthly recap of the MVP (most valuable posts) that my STRONG community has found helpful on the Gram.
Decembers MVP’s:
1) What happens when you prioritize lifting heavy things and a high-protein diet?
2) Why wait until January 1st? When you can start NOW!
3) Coach, I don’t want to
get too big. I build muscle fast!
4) Love me, good meme! The community loved this one!
5) Folks who police other people’s food can kick rocks!
Top 9 Posts of