Busy.... I've got you covered!

Published: Fri, 03/11/16

Hey hey 

Hope you had amazing week! Did you get your workouts in this week? Btw…. I was wondering if fitness is a top priority for you. I know it is for me. It doesn’t have to be me going to the gym. I just like to get some movement in several times a week. Nope, I don’t lift the things heavy every day, but I may move my body in some fashion.

I have learned over the years not to let perfect be the enemy of good. Consistency is key, day in and day out. The sum of small efforts that add up over time is what matters.

I’m not sure if you’re having a hard time getting to the gym or getting your workouts in. I totally understand if you are, or life just gets in the way. For me, when this happens, I take a survey of my day to day activities and figure out how to get some fitness in because it’s important to me.

Life gets busy and there will be times you won’t be able to get your normal workouts in, or make it to the gym for that group fitness class you love.  What you can do is put together a quick, effective workout to do right at home.   
Although I do have a home gym and plenty of equipment, there are days that I just don’t feel like hitting the weights hard….I know, I know, I’m always talking about lifting things, but there are days or times when it’s not in me to lift heavy or for a long time.  Those days are days that I look for a short, intense workout to get the blood flowing.

In case you missed it, I published a free hand booklet this week that has ten #KIST (Keep It Simple Training Solutions) workouts in it, complete with video tutorials.  Each workout takes about 20 minutes to complete, and has options to make it harder or easier, depending on your fitness level.  You can get it here--> #KIST Solution for The Busy Lady! 

Lastly, If you know of anyone that could benefit from the handbook, could you pass on the link to them? Thank you so much in advance.

My Favorite Reads of the Week: 

1. Why You're Aging Ungracefully  Eat the Things and Lift The Things! 

Yours In Health and Happiness,