What is your "Why"?

Published: Thu, 02/04/16


So, what is your “Why” as it pertains to health and fitness, and how do you stay motivated? Why did you start to taking care of your health?

For me, it began years ago when I was in college. I remember being lethargic, tired, no energy, and overweight. My clothes didn’t fit well and my belly was hanging over my pants. I couldn’t fathom for the life of me why my stomach was so big. The ah ha moment came when I saw a photo of myself. I don’t recall having a body image issue, I just didn’t feel good in my skin. My “Why” at the time was to feel better.  I didn’t really care about how much weight to lose or how many dress sizes I should lose. The intent was to just simply feel better and eat better. That’s when my journey began. I had hiccups and set-backs along the way, but what remained till this day is to feel better, move better, and live well. Don’t get me wrong, there were times I exercised for aesthetic reasons - as you may know, I have done a few physique competitions. Again, what remained the same throughout was always to live well, move better, and feel good. I know we all want to look good, but if that’s the only reason you are exercising and eating better, it will eventually turn into punishment. You will loathe working out and very quickly that “Why” will fall to the wayside.

Your “Why” has to be driven from the inside, intrinsically. As cheesy as it may sound—start working from the inside out. Getting your mind right first and operating from a place of authenticity.  It will be more likely to last and keep you motivated to live a healthier lifestyle. The “Why” doesn’t have to be extreme in nature to have a lasting effect. On the contrary, it should be the opposite. I believe that we should approach living a healthy lifestyle in small steps or small goals. It should be not extreme in nature. Don’t be quick to knock going for a walk if that’s all you have time for. We often let perfect be the enemy of good. So, girl, get your walk on!

Whatever your "Why" is and however you achieve that, please make sure it's sustainable in nature. It should be effortless- it may bit of a challenge at first but over time as you learn what works for you it will become easier, autonomous, and not a hinderance!  

That’s all for now. I would love to hear what your “Why” is! Also, do me a favor and reply to this email and tell me what your number one struggle is as it pertains to fitness, health, and mindset.  

Some of my favorite reads over the last week, enjoy!

How I quit weekend overeating  You can read my thoughts and insights on this topic here: http://ow.ly/XU9AA Real good stuff! 

Yours In Health and Fitness,