love the thighs or skin your in!

Published: Thu, 02/11/16


Did you see this post this past week? It gained some good traction. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, I would love for you to take a moment and read it here:  I wanted to write a bit more on the importance of loving yourself right where you are now. As I’ve said before, you can still love yourself while improving. Ya know, it starts with liking or loving ourselves a bit at time – it makes the road to physique transformation an easier journey.

As you know, I am all about self love and getting to a place where you are comfortable in your skin – a positive body image.  We as women spend so much time hating ourselves, or hating a particular body part, or envying and judging other women’s bodies.  We do it without realizing we are doing it. It’s so embedded in our psyche that if we aren’t a certain weight or body fat percentage that we aren’t worthy. We are so worthy-- all sizes and shapes are worthy. We are not the weight on the scale or the size of jeans.

What really matters is how we feel in our skin, and that is not defined by a number of any kind. Sure it’s fine to have a goal in mind if you’re on a fat loss journey, but I’d caution you to not have a size or scale number as a goal to reach in my opinion.

More than likely “The Number” pushes you into territories of black and white thinking.

We tend to use the scale as the only measure of progress. If the number goes down then all is good in the world, but lo and behold if the number goes up or doesn’t change our whole world turns upside down. We start to beat ourselves up and tie our emotions to the number revealed on the scale. So the burning question is how do we start to love the skin we are in or how do start to love ourselves right here in this moment?

I’ve been there before , where my weight was the center focus, the defining line. If I wasn’t a certain number on the scale or if didn’t wear single digits’ jeans it wasn’t good enough. Even when I reached that number it still wasn’t enough. I didn’t see that I was beautiful and good enough right in that moment. I’m still a work in progress but, today, I am in a better place of self love and you can too. It is possible. It will start with you shifting your mindset towards a place of self acceptance.

The love will come, maybe not at first, but it will. That’s why I think we should start with self acceptance. I saw a post the other day from another self care pro that resonated deeply with me that also prompted me to share this email with you today. “You can love yourself without loving your body at first.”

Loving your body right here, right now is where the real transformation starts- a huge mindset shift. Self acceptance leads to sane fat loss results. Having a positive image of yourself leads to long-term sustainable fat loss.  Positivity- positive self image goes a lot further than a negative body image. It’s so exhausting putting yourself down, isn’t it? It takes so much mental effort thinking about how you to fix yourself, or how many more pounds, or how can I lose more weight. It’s an endless cycle until you decide to put your foot down on yourself and start to shift your mindset.

You are not your body or any physical feature on your body. You are more than a body. You have strengths, talents, qualities, skills, and you have love to share. We can’t utilize any of those things if we are caught up in the hate cycle. Let’s be free, take up space, and love ourselves unconditionally. Love the thighs you are in!

My favorite fitness read of the week:

P.S. If you can do me a favor, Click reply right now and tell me what your favorite TV show is!

Yours in Health and Happiness,