Going hard and training several times a week does not lead to faster or better results. Like I said above, it may turn into injury or burnout. Ever been so sore from training that it took you over a week to recover? That’s definitely a red flag. This is not normal DOMS. DOMS usually dissipates in a couple days give
or take.
Remember don’t go hard all the time, and if your relatively new to fitness, don’t go 0 to 100 with something that is not sustainable. Find what works for you and stay consistent. Plan recovery time, and track your progress.
Give your body and mind time to recover. If you’re working out every day, you're tearing down your body. If you constantly feel fatigued and run down, you may need to reevaluate your training volume. It's ok to take a day off, it won't kill you. It's good for you. Your body will thank you.
Lastly, avoid burnout by not trying to do all the things. Do one small thing at a time, or tackle just one goal at time. The key to success is Moderation and Consistency!
Favorite Fitness Reads of the week:
Yours in Health and Happiness,
P.S. Can you do me a favor? Respond back and tell me your #1 struggle pertaining to working out. Thank you so much!
Have a great weekend! 😘