Is Sitting the New Smoking?

Published: Fri, 04/01/16


Sitting is the “New Smoking”! Haven’t you heard? Sitting on your bum can actually kill you. It can lead to a host of diseases, including diabetes, obesity, depression, and cancer.

Crazy, huh? Not so much, really. Makes perfect sense. Sitting tightens so many things in our bodies, starting with our heads jutting to far forward, which can cause a host of issues. Then on to the upper and lower back and on down.

We sit a lot; I know I personally have as of late. I’ve been sitting more than I ever have. My career path puts me in the chair for several hours a day. I love what I do, but I have to move my butt a little more.

That’s exactly want I plan on doing. Some weeks, I get at least 2 days of walking outside of my normal training schedule. For me though, it’s not enough. Ideally I would love to walk at least 5 days out of the week, for at least 30 minutes. If schedule allows, I would love to do an hour.

Walking is the bomb! Don’t skip on the benefits, or think it’s not hard core enough, or has no benefit in it. Walking is so restorative and refreshing. You are doing yourself a disservice if you’re not doing it!

Walking has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and reduces the risk of chronic disease. Walking is simple, and everyone can do it, and the kicker - it’s free!

So come along with me for a walk – let’s commit to getting out and just walking a few times a week, if for nothing else but our sanity!  It’s a great way to unplug and let your mind recuperated from the whole electronic busy, busy world.   And if you have a dog – they’ll love it!  I’m going to be walking my dogs, listening to podcasts, and talking to friends, all while enjoying the beautiful weather while it lasts here in Austin!

Thank you for taking the time to read and connect with me in the online space. 

P.S. Do me a favor, hit reply and let me know if you walk it out or get some leisure type movement in and if so, where do you fit it in your day. 

My favorite reads of the week:

Yours in Health and Happiness,