Which should you do first? Cardio or Weights

Published: Fri, 07/15/16


Is it cardio or is it weights first? It depends on who you are talking to; it could go either way. My personal suggestion has always been weights first, because I love lifting weights and I know firsthand what strength training does to the body. Most fitness professionals would also say weights first.

I know what you are thinking. “But I want to lose weight!” You will lose weight if you lift the things, even with your body weight for resistance (body weight exercise). First and foremost, a caloric deficit is the driving force behind weight or fat loss. Weight loss is a numbers game. Have you noticed how hard you go in with cardio and just can’t get the scale to budge?

The more cardio you do, the more efficient the body comes. You have to add more and more cardio to elicit a response, and most people drop their calories really low. A big No-No.

“I know, I know, but Candace, you have never been overweight or fat.” Why yes, I have, and just like most people, I took up running to get in shape. It was free, I could walk out my front door and do it in my neighborhood, and it was a way to move my body. At the time, that’s the only way I knew how. Not to knock running, I am not not anti-cardio. I just prefer the right types and amounts, especially if your goals are physique in nature.

So here I was, knocking out the mileage day after day. There was no strength training as part of my programming. I lost a few pounds, but to keep seeing any scale change, I had to add more and more. I even started to change some of the things that I ate. Humph, caught myself eliminating bread and going vegetarian.

Vegetarianism and running did not do much for my physique. I actually looked the same and my clothes didn’t fit any better – I’ll have to find a pic to share.

I know this is an email about whether to do cardio or weights first during your workout. I also wanted to point out that toned, defined, or sculpted look does not come for cardio alone. Cardio has its place, but us ladies often overuse it. Like I said before, you want the minimal effective dose to see results. If you just love running, or love running ½ marathons etc…, please do it, but if you’re looking for body change, know that running/cardio alone will not get you there.

So, back to weights or cardio first! Weights first. Why? #BecauseMuscle, you need more energy to lift the weights. Lifting weights will require more muscle recruitment, taxing you differently than cardio. Cardio is taxing too, but remember if your goal is body change – your bread and butter is with weight training.

I’ve had some clients do cardio before they started our training session. When it was time to strength train, guess what? They were tired and fatigued much sooner than when we lifted first. It only took a few trial and errors before they stuck with the weights first.

My recommendation for cardio is to do it post workout, or within the workout, or on a separate day, if your schedule allows it. It really comes down to your preference and paying attention to how your body handles the modalities.

Post workout cardio doesn’t have to be a marathon session either. 20-40 minutes max to reap the benefits of steady state cardio – that heart health you are looking for. When done right and effectively, slower cardio can be a great addition to your program.

I like to incorporate cardio in conditioning based workouts. If I incorporate it during the training session, I might make the workout a circuit in nature. You can also add in body weight callisthenic movements at the end of every set. Again, supersets (two movements back to back) or tri-sets (three movements back to back) will elicit cardio/conditioning while lifting weights.  Keep the rest breaks short to make it more intense.

So, weights or cardio? Depends on your goals. All in all, like I said above it comes down to preference and which order of exercise feels right for you. Try either way to see what you like!

Have a wonderful weekend!


P.S. It would be a huge favor if you could take 30 seconds to click Reply right now and tell me the thing that is hardest for you when it comes to your workouts?

My favorite reads of the week: 

3. The Mind-Boggling Bullshit of Health and Fitness​​​​​​​ - This one really knocked it out of the park for me! 

4. How To Tone Up The Smart Way!  By yours truly!