Can you really achieve moderation and balance when it comes to food?

Published: Fri, 10/14/16

Good morning, 

I believe so. I certainly have. It took some work and daily practice. Heck, I'm still working on it. Will it happen overnight? Probably not, but is it something I think you could/should strive for? Absolutely! Otherwise, the alternative is a life of deprivation and that's no way to live.

You know that meme, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels? That's a myth and a sure fine way to disordered eating or a eating disorder. I don't take it lightly, because I've done the road of restriction and it really ain't pretty.

It took some mindset shifts, reframing how I viewed myself - specifically my body and how I approached nutrition as a whole. It started with viewing food as just that food - whether it was a cheesecake, some broccoli, or a some fries from McDonalds. If that made you gasp, because I said McDonalds fries, then you may just need some self reflection on food. No judgement on my part because I've been there and it created food issues - it was not healthy in any sense. Now, I'm in a place - where I choose to eat whatever I like, that food is always available, and that I won't die from enjoying some McDonald fries. Lol 😂  #ModerationIsSustainable 

So, for this weeks email, I wanted to change it up and do a video instead of writing an email. I hope you enjoy it! More on the topic via the video - Enjoy! 

 Thank you for watching! Have a wonderful weekend.

Yours in Health and Wellness,
Coach C

P.S. If you have a few moments, hit Reply, and let me know if there are any nutrition or fitness topics you would like to hear more about. 

My Favorite Fitness Reads of the week: 

P.S.S.Click the link and grab my Surviving the Holiday Madness Guide