Like I said, the point of the neoprene wrap is to elicit more sweating, that’s all. I figured that out eventually, that it was just water weight, because the fat in my midsection was still
there. This also goes for those full body sweat suits. How can this be? Weigh yourself before and after a training session and you will see that it’s just body fluids that were lost.
So, the question is if neoprene waist wraps don’t slim the waist; then what does? We already know the answer but we refuse to believe it. Even when I broke it down to a gym patron not too long ago. We just want to
believe that something has to work, because we have tried everything, and it feels like it is working.
The answer is simple: throw away the neoprene wrap, if you have one or used one, which I did. If it’s sitting in your gym bag or closet, get up and throw it away. Start eating better - 80% of the time, create a caloric deficit – you don’t even have to count calories to do this. Lift the things,
manage your stress, and get your sleep in check. It’s not sexy, it’s not quick, but this way is sustainable, it’s a lifestyle.
Abdominal fat can be one of the hardest areas to lose fat, it’s where I store fat the most. Spot reduction doesn’t work. Doing hundreds of crunches or planking our way to a trim stomach is far-fetched. Trust me, I’ve been there. My trainer, at the end of every
training session would throw a round of abs exercises to even the deal. And don’t get me started on the side bends, before I knew it, I was side bending like a boss.
Nothing wrong with training your abs/core and you should. I love do various core exercises to strength my core, but abs themselves or flatter stomach comes from losing fat, i.e. creating a
caloric deficit.
Long story short, we are looking to lose fat to reveal a flatter stomach. We lose it from all over, we can’t spot reduce fat from the areas that we want to lose some from, i.e., the abdominals, or the arm jiggle. Women tend to lose from the top down, not all, but most, and the stubborn areas will be the last to go. Unfortunate huh, that’s the body! We can’t beat it.
So, we work with it. It’s not impossible to lose stubborn areas of fat, it just takes the right and safe approach.
There are no secrets. It takes time, patience, and consistency. Our health is not just about a body fat percentage, or a number on scale. Quick fixes and losing weight rapidly is not a healthy approach for our minds or our
Please know this, you can love and like yourself while losing fat (body change). It’s imperative that you do. It makes the journey more enjoyable and sustainable. I’m sure you’ve heard me say it a million times now, you can’t hate yourself leaner. We have to get our minds right before the body will follow.
Thank you for taking the time to read. Have a very wonderful weekend!
Yours in Health and Happiness,
Coach C 💪🏾
P.S. If you have a moment, hit REPLY right now with your
#1 question about fat loss, exercise or nutrition for me. Thank you so much, this helps me create create for women that my have the same question as you.
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