What do I do for my stomach? Plus A FREE Core Workout to Strengthen the Core

Published: Fri, 12/23/16


I get asked this question all the time - “What do I do for my stomach?” I've been asked several times since I've been home for vacation. The answer is always the same - there are no secrets.  And please don't go out and get a squeem. Worst idea ever, and bad for your health. The squeem question came up at an Ugly Christmas Sweater party I went to the other day. A friend of mine said she's going to start wearing hers again. 🙅🏾 I educated her on the dangers of them. At the end of the day folks are gonna do what they want to do because they believe that it is working, but it's not. I will always educate even if it goes in one ear and out the other.

Well, what do you do for the stomach area? You guessed it. Lift the things, create a moderate calorie deficit, and a wee bit of the right amount cardio. This along with stress management, sleep and keeping your hunger, energy, and cravings in check.

I know from experience that Squeems are a horrible idea and quick fix that's not a long-term solution. I couldn't breathe when I wore one, and it hurt. Once you stop wearing it, your waist goes right back. You also don't lose any fat in your midsection from the wearing the thing alone. That comes from being in a calorie deficit or lack of eating because it's so freaking tight.           

More on squeems, also known as waist trainers, here

Therefore, belly fat, which is stubborn, will be the last place to go.

More training - nope, nor more cardio, this is not the answer. The answer is to slow down, back off the exercise a bit, especially if you are over doing it. It could be as simple as getting better quality sleep.

Sleep is a hugely underrated. Your physique will suffer from it eventually.

This email today was prompted because I put together an awesome core workout the other day in a very small hotel gym and the belly fat questions. I crushed a few workouts in my hotel gym – No Space – No Problem. Check the workout here!  

So you’re the first to see this awesome core workout. Let me know if you’d be interested in more core workouts. There are no crunching or sit-ups involved.
So, with all that said. You can and should work your stomach area, otherwise known as your core. Do train it as a whole unit, don't just target the abs themselves. We all have abs, and it's just a matter of unveiling them from the layer of fat. We also need a strong core because it protects our lower back.
Remember to train safe and that more is not better. Better is better.

Thank you for reading! Hope you have a great Christmas weekend!

Yours in Strength,

P.S. What would you like to see more of from me? Hit reply, and let me know! I can’t wait to hear from you.

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