Tired of that turkey yet?

Published: Thu, 12/01/16

One of my all time favorite movies! 
Good morning , 

We are about a week out from Turkey day. How was your turkey day? My turkey day was very relaxing and low key. It was a beautiful day, and I felt like the day flew by. I guess that’s what happens when you’re having a great time.

I missed having some turkey this year for a split moment. We had some juicy steaks and Gulf shrimp instead. It was a delicious dinner with cheesecake for dessert.  I know, I know, no traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

It was just myself and my husband this year, so, we didn't want to be bothered with making all that food and then having all the leftovers. And besides, you can have Thanksgiving type foods anytime.  Those same foods are always available year round.

However, I wouldn't mind having leftover turkey for sandwiches on my favorite Rudi's Double Fiber Bread. This bread is the bomb.com. My husband and I have discussed picking up a turkey to alternate with our other weekly protein sources. So, we shall see.

In the meantime, I picked up this delicious turkey lunchmeat from Costco!

In case you missed my post from the other day.
Lunch meat you say? Isn't lunch meat bad for you? Say's who? The powers that be. I think I have discussed food just being food and holding no moral values and yes, probably 80% or 90% of the time we should eat minimally processed foods. But perfect gets in the way of just living, eating and enjoying the food.

Yes, some lunch meats are better than others. I happen to eat Boars Head lunch meat (probably the best on the market) on the regular because it's so convenient. The other day we came across this Columbus brand at Costco. The macro breakdown was excellent, and the flavor and texture were on point. The price was also great! Boars head can get a bit pricey, and we were thrilled about finding it.

The next day, this lunch meat sure was handy. I am so glad I had it on hand because I ran out of my chicken breasts. Viola, enters the lunch meat with a side of russet potatoes, and a side of broccoli.

Is lunch meat better than actual fresh turkey? Probably not, don't let perfection be the enemy of good tho. I always choose ease when I can, because life is too short to be worrying about food being clean or dirty. Is it nutritious, is it satisfying, and does it make my day effortless? Then I am game.

As I always say, live in the middle. Get comfortable with the gray area. Perfection is paralyzing, it stops us right in our tracks from taking action.  I could of easily just ate a heavy carb meal without protein and been hungry in less than hour (that's how carbs affect our bodies when we eat them alone - a huge insulin spike and then crash, hungrier than before). Then I would have been reaching for something that possibly wouldn't have satisfied - eating even more calories, when I could have handled the hunger better with the lunch meat in the first place.

How are you using up those turkey leftovers? I’m looking forward to tons of turkey when we smoke one. My hubby loves to smoke everything; it should be good. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Yours in Strength and Wellness,

P.S. What's your favorite Christmas movie? Hit reply and let me know. I love hearing from you! 

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