Let Guilt be a thing of the past...

Published: Fri, 12/09/16

Good morning , 

Happy Fri-yay! 

Ever felt guilty for eating something you enjoyed? I have. And it wasn't a good feeling. I set out to eradicate it. It took some time, patience, grace, and practice, but it's possible. 

Feeling guilty over food choices just leaves us guiltier and obsessive. The guilt and beating ourselves up for what we ate doesn’t help or serve us. It’s quite the opposite.

Does the guilt or berating make you fit or healthier any quicker? Nope, I would have to guess, you will continue to make choices that don't serve you well. They tend to move you away from your goals and intentions.

If it did work or solve the problem, we would all be fit and have perfect eating, but perfect eating does not exist either.

Guilt makes things worse. One of the focuses over in my Maintain, Don’t Gain Coaching Group this week is letting go of the guilt and the morality we place on foods.

Guilt is paralyzing. It stops us from taking action and moving forward for the better. We then move into the all – or- nothing phase. I’m either gonna eat perfect, or not at all and say eff it, or I’ll just start eating better on Jan. 1st. How many times have we said this? Too many to count.

I’ve done that more times that I can count. My relationship with food and my body was awful. It was a downward cycle for many years. Every week, I was starting again on Monday, or I was dieting harder and restricting more and more. 

That was until I did the work to heal. I began to view food as food - food is just that - food. All foods serve a purpose whether it's a bowl of oatmeal, some fried chicken, some broccoli, or a turkey sandwich.

I had to drop the morality that I learned to associate with food. Was it easy? Nope. Is it possible? Yes, with practice, effort, and grace.

Does labeling foods clean, good or bad actually fix your relationship with food or your body? Again, No. Does eating so-called clean foods instantly change your body composition? Do you have to be miserable to change your body composition? Nope.

The argument is not about whether we should eat or not eat junk food. Nor are we debating whether we should eat more nutritionally dense foods and less nutritionally dense foods. We already know we should.  This email today, is based on the fact that we have to leave the guilt out in the cold to change anything physically and mentally.

Our mindsets, and what we think and feel about food to achieve food freedom.

So, how do we begin to heal our relationship with food? With lots of work, self-awareness, love, grace, and compassion for self.

1. Stop placing labels and rules on food. We can thank the weight loss industry with the fear mongering tactics. This phenomenon is reversible. It will take work on your part.

2.  Start right where you are - The relationship with food starts right with yourself. Allow yourself to eat some of the foods you placed on the banned list - of course, the foods that you love.

The only foods that you shouldn't eat are the foods that you don't like. #LoveHowYouEat 

3. Stop dieting, stop restricting, and stop banning foods that you love. Another diet is not the answer to healing and achieving food freedom.

I'll leave you with this gem from a lovely Body Image and Food Freedom Coach! 

 Thank you for taking the time to read, have a wonderful weekend.

Any comments or questions, please reach out. I love hearing from you.

Yours in Strength and Wellness,

My Favorite Fitness Reads of the week: