The meal frequency that works for YOU, is what is optimal for you. One that will keep you THRIVING. Some folks do well on 5, some people like 3 meals a day. At the end of the day, it comes down to personal preference and what you can adhere
But, what if I get hungry? It is not the end of the world if you actually experience what a bit of hunger is - not starvation hunger, or not eating enough calories. I went for so long, eating 5 to 6 meals, no matter what, whether I was hungry or not. I was eating even when I wasn't hungry.
What happened when I ate according to what my body was telling me? I faired just
fine, and my clients have done just fine too. I didn't eat everything in sight. The best part is knowing and learning my hunger cues. Diet's don't teach that, they just teach you to follow black and white rules.
It will take some adjusting, of course, because eating every 2 -3 hours also became a habit. During a check in with my client the other day, I asked them how their hunger was with the elimination of some meals. They were happy
to report -- No hunger, but they were mentally hungry. We both lol! 😂 This to will pass.
So, what about eating after 6, 7, or 8? Lol, there isn't even a clear decision by the diet zealots. You don't magically gain weight because you eat after dark, nor does eating carbs after a certain time either.
At the end of the day, it is the amount of calories/food that causes weight
Now that you know this, have your dinner at 7 or 8, which is okay. Again, remember, a calorie surplus is what causes weight gain not the time of day you eat.
Remember to eat in a way that works for you. In a way that satisfies, nourishes, and gives you enough energy throughout the day. It could be
five meals or 3. It doesn't matter, whether you are in fat loss or maintenance mode.
Lastly, the best nutrition plan for you is the one that you can do forever, for life and one that is sustainable.
Check this video out on missing meals:
Thank you for taking the time to read. If anything resonated with you in this
email, let me know, feel free to respond to this email. I love hearing from you. Have a fabulous weekend!
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