Happy New Year and thank you for a great Year!

Published: Sun, 01/01/17

Hey ,


Happy New Year! I love the New Year, how about you? Not because of the New Year, New Me mumbo jumbo. I believe that you can renew, reset anytime of the year, or anytime you feel the need to change up some things, not just one specific day or a specific time of the year. Change is always good, learning, growing and progressing forward. I actually don't have a big catastrophic reason, and I'm just happy to be alive and ready to keep doing life. 

I know this time of year, folks set resolutions to do things better, to renew, reach a goal or what have you, which is fine, if you go about in the right way, even if you don't. There will be a lesson in the ups and downs and the failures.


We have all the excitement and are ready to go January 1st, but it soon fizzles out. Did you know that 92% of people fail at their resolutions? Gosh, that's high! Why, because of extremes, especially when it comes to weight loss goals. They're not well thought out resolutions, and they're vague - like get more fit, eat better, cut out all carbohydrates. 🙅🏾

Instead of setting goals like I want to lose 50 lbs, how about I will exercise 3 times a week, or I will make 1 or 2 dietary changes. Something like that is more specific and simple to implement.  Setting a specific number to lose and not meeting that goal will make you feel like a failure if you don't meet it. Weight loss goals are outcome based. So, if you want to do it different this year, set behavior goals - goals or steps that you can take, that you actually have control over. You can't control how much weight your body loses. But you can control how much you exercise, how much you walk, how many vegetables you eat, or how you practice gratitude. 

Anywho, I just wanted to drop you a quick email to wish you all the best for the New Year. A New Year filled with love, laughter, happiness, strength, and health! And start Lifting The Things! 

As I've already said in the last email is that my hope for you this year that you close the door on the diets and do it different this year if you have fat loss goals. 

If you do have any goals, resolutions, intentions, a word for this year. I'd love to hear from you. Hit reply and let me know. I'd love to help you troubleshoot or hash your plans out.

Yours in Strength,



P.S. Thank you again for being here and being part of my inner circle.  I look forward to connecting with you, even more, this year. 

P.S.S. Be on the lookout for my 12 week Anti-Diet Fat Loss coaching program coming soon.