Mmmm.... Lasagna 😋

Published: Fri, 01/13/17

Good morning

I’ve just about had it with several things nutrition related:

  1. Carbs don’t make you fat. ----------- Carbs are good for you!
  2. Fruit doesn’t make you fat. ---------- Fruit is so good!
  3. Sugar is not the devil. ------------------ Sugar is perfectly fine in moderation. I cannot imagine never eating dark chocolate or ice cream, or making and cookies with me niece. I can just die now!

I recently had dinner with my step daughter’s boyfriend’s family. Dinner was delicious, btw. Guess what?! We had lasagna, garlic bread, and salad. The mom asked if we ate lasagna as we were building our plates. Of course, we eat lasagna - do we eat all the time? Nope, but it has it place for every now and then. We eat all the foods - especially the foods that we love. Bless her heart; she assumed that because we are “bodybuilders” that we don’t eat carbs. P.S. the definition of a bodybuilder is anyone that lifts weights to build muscle, as we all should in some form because we all know at this point that muscle on our frames has so many positive benefits. It hurts my heart if you are not doing some type of resistance training.

I know my work is not finished, and it probably never will be, because the fads and extremes seem to never die.

Why is it that we believe that we shouldn’t eat carbs? It really irks me when people say that they don’t eat carbs. So, you don’t eat vegetables or fruit then? What most people are saying when they say they don’t eat carbs, is that they don’t eat starch. Followed up with I don’t eat pasta, or I don’t eat bread.

When I dig deeper with folks, the culprit is that they have been lead to believe that pasta and bread are bad for them. Why do you think that and who said so? Blank stare and no clear answer. We want to demonize foods and place blame, instead of turning within and looking at things objectively.

The no carb craze began years ago, and it still seems it’s not going anywhere. But it truly is a myth- carbs aren’t bad, and you are not bad for eating them.

Like I said earlier in many emails before, all foods can be part of healthy lifestyle. Ask yourself this, when you say you don’t eat carbs – will you never eat carbs again? Remember that this means no fruit or vegetables either. You seriously wouldn’t be able to function. I know, I am saying this in a sarcastic manner, because you do eat carbs.

Sure, we tend to overeat carbs (starchy ones), but that doesn’t mean you should eliminate them to see any progress. You just must get balanced as a whole with your nutrition. It comes down to the amounts and type of carbs. Yes, we should eat more of the unprocessed ones, but there’s also room for other kinds of carbs as well.

  1. We know that we should always pair carbs with protein. It slows down the absorption/digestion of the carbs.
  2. Carbs are our number one fuel source.
  3. Carbs are brain fuel. Don’t eat carbs at all and tell me how your head feels.
  4. Lastly, if you try to lift heavier weights or get stronger, not happening without some source of carbohydrates.

P.S. Sugar falls into the carb category. I also want to say; yep sugar is everything. So, if you plan to ban sugar, let me know how that is working out for you. I really want to know, all sarcasm aside. I believe it’s a very extreme and anything that calls for extremes won’t last very long. Extremes perpetuate the diet mentality cycle. Excess sugar is the issue, not the sugar itself. I do realize the media/weight loss industry has planted this notion that we shouldn’t have sugar and it’s really hard to let go of the idea.  The idea is if I quit sugar all will be solved and then I am a good person if I quit sugar and if I don't then I am not - Hogwash!  Here we go with tying morals to food, which needs to stop. 

I wrote a piece on sugar, check it out here. 

I wanted to also share this article on sugar as well; it’s excellent and so very true.

Again, yes, we should minimize sugar, but it’s not downright evil or toxic, definitely not comparable to Heroine. I challenge you to look at your nutrition as a whole. Don’t look at what you can take away but look at what you can add. Occasional treats are fine and perfectly okay. Moderation is a practice, and I practice every single day and every single meal. I truly believe everyone can do #Moderation365, but it will take work, it doesn’t happen overnight. Being able to navigate the gray area no matter when, what, how, or why – the environment, situation, or holiday. When you do get there, that’s when you have truly achieved Food Freedom with no strings attached. The alternative is struggle city and yo-yo dieting. I don’t know about you, but that sounds miserable.

  This Facebook post resonated with me so much and I hope it does for you too.

Really, though, could you imagine avoiding the foods that you love for the rest of your life? For example never having birthday cake or having a piece of your kids birthday cake. 
Now, I know there are some folks out there that can eat nutrient dense foods all the time - 24/7. Some folks just don't care to have cookies, pizza or chips, etc. And that's perfectly fine, but it doesn't come from a place of banning or forbidding foods - it's just how they roll. However, I am not one of them and many of the folks that I work with cannot either. 

If you finish this email today and think I am promoting unhealthy eating, then you don’t know me at all, and you’re in the wrong place. I am not your run of the mill trainer that promotes extremes or diets, or the overuse of cardio, or No pain, no gain workouts. I am one that will help you can create a plan that will last a lifetime and one that will help you lose fat and build muscle in a sane and sustainable manner.

If anything resonated with you in this email, let me know, feel free to respond to this email. I love hearing from you. Have a fabulous weekend! 

Yours in Strength,

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