How to get your first Pull - up with video tutorials! 💪🏾

Published: Wed, 03/01/17

Good morning ,

Say what?! How to get your first pull-up/chin-up? You’re kidding, right Candace?

I kid you not, you can get your first pull up with time, patience, effort, and consistency.  The biggest thing centered around it is probably our mindsets about it. If it's a goal you would like to achieve, you’ve got to get your mind right and believe that you can do it!

I believe wholeheartedly you can do anything you set your mind too. We just have to take massive action! 

Women tell me all the time “I wish I could do a pull-up”, and you can. They usually scoff at me - like, yeah right.

I say well, why not. Lot's of women can do them. I believe part of the problem with not achieving the pull-up is our mindset about it. We automatically write it off. Like saying it's just something women can't do. I'll have to disagree. It's definitely challenging, but not impossible! 

I came across an article by NY times saying that women can't do pull-ups. Check it out here. They sure were wrong! I know many ladies that can. In the article 4 out of 17 women were able to get a pull-up at the end of the study, but she concluded that women couldn't do pull ups. Again, yes we can. 

With that being said, again, if it's something that you want to achieve, put in the time and be patient, and you'll get your first one, and then, it's only downhill from there. Whoop whoop! 

I recently wrote a blog complete with video tutorials to help you work towards your very first pull-up. When you get your first one - you are gonna be ecstatic. I can't even put into words when I got my first one. Simply badass, if I could choose one word. And please let me know when you do, even if it's 6 months from now - I want to celebrate with you! 

I always get asked what the difference is between pull-ups and chin-ups. I tend to say pull-ups for all variations because both styles require you to pull your body weight against gravity and get your chin over the bar. 

The Pull-up: Overhand grip (palms facing away) with a wider width - Requires a bit more strength than its sister, the chin up. With the pull-up, you will be using more lats to pull yourself up. 

The Chin-up: Underhand grip (palms facing you, also known as supinated grip) Utilizes more bicep recruitment. Your hands are closer together enabling you to pull yourself up easier than in the Overhand Pull-up position. 

Let me know what you think or even if pull - ups are a goal of yours. Even if you have a different goal let me know and remember to keep at even when things get tough!

Check out my How To Get your First Pull-up Blog here! Let me know if you have any questions about programming/training the pull-up. #LiftTheThings 

As always, thank you for taking the time to read! If anything resonated with you this email, please hit that reply button and let me know.

Yours in Strength,

Check out all these badass ladies getting
some of their first pull-ups! 