Good evening ,
I hear it
all the time – “I want nice, toned arms….you know, like the ones on the red carpet, or that the fitness models have”. When I started working out, way back in the day, I wanted them too! When I started working out I read every Shape, Oxygen, and Muscle and Fitness I could find, looking at the people in there thinking “Someday…..”. I started hitting the weights in the gym, and I even did whole workouts around arms, in hopes that I would have that toned look. Guess
what? The arm workouts didn’t do it! Sure, they made my arms sore, and I got stronger, but I still lacked the “toned” look. I eventually figured out that the toned look came from both having muscle, and having lower body fat. With that in mind, I ended up changing my workouts to focus on compound exercises and ditched the isolation exercises and arm specific workouts.
get more bang for your buck with compound exercises. Think squat, row, deadlift, and push-ups – those are all compound, multi-joint exercises that will help you build that muscle. Not only do they help build muscle, but they also burn more calories – lower body fat. As a bonus, they all work the entire arm! So, you get the trifecta – build muscle, burn more calories, and build your arms along the way.
Don’t get me wrong – I do still love a good arm workout! There’s nothing quite like the pump and burn you get when you focus on them, especially if you hit them hard. Instead of focusing entire workouts on my arms, I now throw them in at the end of a workout, or in between the big lifts. That way I still get to do compound movements, but I still get to feel the “pump” as well!
With that being said, the workout I'm sharing with you this evening is a band only workout. My bands have been collecting dust, so I was like let's do some arms post workout today. I did my total body workout which consisted of squats, pull - ups, incline bench press, and Romanian deadlifts - it was a really good workout! All the big movements in one session – perfect for getting it in.
Give this a try and let me know how it goes! Your arms are gonna be so pumped. See the thing with bands is that you have constant tension on the muscle. Time under tension is where the muscle growth happens. You will also get a bit of cardio effect do to it being a circuit!
I hope you likey! Add it to the end of your
workout a couple of times a week.
The Workout:
** Completer 3 -5 Rounds
** Bicep Curls are between each
shoulder movement! 💪🏾
** Complete each exercise in circuit fashion (one exercise right after each other)
** Minimal rest, try to take the rest at the end of the circuit. I do that is burny/burnee (made that up) 😂
** So, take a quick pause if needed and then hop right back
** Rest 30 - 45 sec in between rounds.
1. Band Bicep Curls (Squeeze every rep) x 8- 10 reps 💪🏾
2. Band Lateral Raises x 8-10 reps
3. Band Bicep Curls x 8-10 reps 💪🏾
4. Band Front Raise x 8-10
5. Band Bicep Curls x 8-10 reps 💪🏾
6. Band Bent Over Lateral Raises x 8-10 reps
7. Band Bicep Curls x 8-10 reps 💪🏾
If you have any questions or comments, or if anything resonated with you in this email,
please reach out; I answer all my emails!
Yours in Strength & Health