Happy Fri-yay ! Got a new Core workout for you to test.

Published: Fri, 02/10/17

Good morning

I hope all is well this fine Friday morning.

I've got two things for you today!

I think I mentioned it already, but, just in case you missed it. I am in the process of putting together 10 Free core workouts to share with my tribe. You are my beta testers! So, if you don't mind, I would love if you have the time to test them out for me.

I'll be sure to link the other two, just in case you missed the last two that I shared with you.

Have you had a chance to try the last Down To The Core workout? If so, would you do me a huge favor and hit reply and let me know how it went.

A few questions to get your feedback flowing:
* Did you like the workout/enjoy the workout?
* Was it challenging - was it easy or hard? Or just right?
* How'd you feel post core session?
* Etc... Any and all feedback is much appreciated, thank you so much!

Second, here's the newest core workout I'd like you to test! I think it's an excellent one, lol, I always say that. I guess I may be partially biased.

Down To The Core: Twist and Burn

1. Side Plank with Twist (L or R) :: 10 reps

2. RKC Plank :: - Hold 15 -30 sec Hold
    ** Really engage the glutes - squeeze the living day lights out them. Brace the core. Create tension throughout the body and isometrically connect your elbows to your toes as if you were trying to go into a pike!

3. Side Plank (L or R) :: 10 reps - Do whatever side you didn’t do the first time.

4. Superwomen - 10 reps :: Nice and control up and down, Squeeze your glutes!

5. RKC Plank - 15 -30 sec

6. Glute Bridges - 10 reps
7. Glute Bridge Hold :: 5 sec hold - really squeeze them glutes

** Repeat 6 and 7 once more  -2x
** Superset- Complete both movements back to back before resting
* Rest and repeat the ab circuit 3 or 4 times

Let me know how it goes! Can't wait to hear from ya!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Yours in Health and Strength,

P.S. What is your number one struggle as it pertains to health, nutrition, or mindset. Or anything that is going well for you?  Feel free to respond to this email!

My favorite Fitness Reads of the Week:

4. Can the detox Craze be Over Now, Please? A bit of language in this one, but nevertheless, a great read and reminder that you do not need any cleanses or detoxes. It's a scam 

5.  Watch/listen to this video - it's soo good. Everyone needs a little more fitness or daily movement in life - no matter your age. It's not just about aesthetics - but to be able to live a happier, injury/pain-free, and a longer life.

Additional Core Workouts: