I hope all is well this fine Friday morning.
I've got two things for you today!
I think I mentioned it already, but, just in case you missed it. I am in the process of putting together 10 Free core workouts to share with my tribe. You are my
beta testers! So, if you don't mind, I would love if you have the time to test them out for me.
I'll be sure to link the other two, just in case you missed the last two that I shared with you.
Have you had a chance to try the last Down To The Core workout? If so, would you do me a huge favor and hit
reply and let me know how it went.
A few questions to get your feedback flowing:
* Did you like the workout/enjoy the workout?
* Was it challenging - was it easy or hard? Or just right?
* How'd you feel post core session?
* Etc... Any and all feedback is much appreciated, thank you so much!
Second, here's the newest core workout I'd like you to test! I think it's an excellent one, lol, I always say that. I guess I may be partially biased.