Whatever is Holding you back, let it go, let it flow

Published: Fri, 02/17/17

Good morning , 

I cut my hair yesterday. Probably a bit over 6 inches! Woo hoo, I've wanted to do it for quite a bit. Don't know what I was waiting for; I suppose the right time. There never was or is a right time, really. My mind was made up; I just had to jump.

Well, today, I jumped! It's so light now, refreshing and so freeing! I guess that's what they say - about transitioning or taking something away that was holding you down.

What the heck does hair have to do with fitness or nutrition? Well, in this case, I am talking about our diets - on a diet or what we eat also refers to diet?

My hair being long and heavy, is often times very hot and sweaty in the summers, especially in Texas, lol! Was a bit of a nuisance when working out.

Lately, it's been getting in the way of me learning my jump rope skills, even when I braid it in one big French braid down the middle. The rope either gets caught in it or my hair slaps the heck out of me. That's when I knew; it was really time to chop some of it off.

Speaking of being free or being held down - Is your way of eating or nourishment holding you down? Are you going from A to Z, instead of A - B - C?

The fear of not thinking in a dieting terms is real. Why is that? It's because just about everyone we know or at least a few people we know are always dieting or watching their weight. Someone is always saying they could lose 5 to 10 pounds.

Wouldn't it be nice not to count every morsel or worry whether this donut is going to make you fat? One donut or a couple of scoops of ice cream won't derail your progress, just as well as eating salad, chicken breast, or broccoli won't magically turn you into a lean being overnight.

Now, I have said this before; there is nothing wrong with changing your body composition. It's how we go about it. Heck, I am a Fat Loss Coach, I am in the business of helping women reach their physique goals in a sustainable manner and forever. Not just for a season or an event.

The reason folks are still trying to lose weight, 5 -10 lbs is because they have yo -yo dieted all their adult life or for many, many years. It gets harder and harder every time, and focusing on that damn scale number is dreadful.

So, I ask again, what's holding you back or holding you down from dropping the quick fixes, the perceived notions of how weight loss/fat loss should be? Or dare I say, Perfection - #EffPerfection.

There is no perfect day or perfect way of doing anything.

My message today in this email is just another reminder to take it one day at a time. One meal at a time.

  • One workout, even if it's Zumba or a group fitness class - just get moving.
  • One Lifting of Things workout.
  • 1/2 of McDonald fries, instead of the whole thing.
  • One extra fruit or veggie.
  • One habit at a time.
  • One extra walk around the block.
  • Taking the stairs tomorrow, instead of the elevator.

You’ve got to be willing to meet yourself right where you are.

Mainly, give up the dieting in the traditional sense - yes, you have to have a calorie deficit, yes you should eat less, but not so low that you are doing more harm than good. And you do not have to eat dry, boring food. Team #NoBanned foods!

Remember, A to B, and so forth, and so on! Let dieting be a thing of the past. Cut the ties, like I cut my hair - there's freedom in not using a diet to keep you in order.

Ask yourself, what's the worst that can happen?

I know it's scary to let go of all those rules, but I am in your corner 100%. Reach out and let me know if there's anything I can help you with.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read! If anything resonated with you this email, please hit that reply button and let me know.

Have a great weekend! 

Yours in Health and Strength,
Coach C :)

P.S. Did you know almost every Monday I am on Facebook Live teaching a Movement of the day?! I'm usually on between 12 and 2. If you can't make it, the replay is always available. Here's one of the core movements that I taught a couple of weeks ago!

P.S.S. If you like to catch me on Facebook Live, be sure to turn on your notifications to see when I am live and to see me in your newsfeed!