Something is Better Than Nothing

Published: Fri, 03/17/17

Good Morning , 

Happy Fri-yay! What's going down with you this weekend? I'll be heading to SXSW this weekend for some live music. I missed my favorite guy Gary Vaynerchuk; he was a speaker in the earlier part of the Film Festival. SXSW is a big deal here in Austin; it has music, speakers, movie screenings, and so much more. It has grown so big over the years. I am super excited to check it out this weekend. If you ever have a chance to, definitely head on over to Austin, and check it out! 

So about that something is better than nothing....

The mindset shift from all or nothing to just something - something is better than nothing. In fact, most times, something is more sustainable than all or nothing mentality.  Moving from a place of scarcity to one of abundance. From diets to no diets, back to diets, and then finally getting off the diet rollercoaster. It’s one heck of a ride for many of the women that I have worked with. Most of them want to know how to get off because it’s friggin miserable.

You will just know when you are tired and fed up. You’ll get sick of starting on Monday, tired of eating plain salad, dry broccoli, and dry chicken - only to binge at the end of the week.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. That is if you want there to be. Giving up dieting doesn’t mean you can’t still have body change goals. It’s just about how you go about them.

Dieting is a short-term solution that can bring long-term consequences.

It’s friggin scary to give them up. It’s really okay to not worry about a specific weight. I know you have some fat to lose, we all do, but don’t let it be a numbers game. I believe that the numbers on the scale will get you in trouble, and have seen that if you let the numbers go and all the deprivation, you will get to where you want to be.

Will cutting out whole food groups and blindly slashing calories be the answer to your health and weight goals? Nine times out 10, No, unless a doctor told you to do so for a medical reason.

Changing behaviors, rather than having the sole focus be on the outcomes, is where some of the equation lies. Behaviors are the only things that you can actually control.

You can't will yourself to lose 30 pounds; you can't control where the weight falls off. Saying I want to lose 30 lbs. is an outcome goal. What happens if you don’t? Do you think you are a failure? I think not!

What you can do is practice eating slowly, this is a behavior goal. Eating slowly will help you identify when you've had enough to eat. Getting to bed at a decent time to get a good night’s rest - this is huge for fat loss. These are behavior goals that you can control.

As I mentioned before, we can’t always control the outcomes – our bodies just don’t cooperate that way.  If you focus only on outcomes or results, you’re bound to be disappointed at some point.  This is especially true if you’ll do anything to reach those results – often times the methods used to get there leave us with long-term negative consequences that take years to recover from.  You’ve probably already experienced this – I can’t be the only person that crash dieted their way to a weight loss goal, only to regain the weight….plus a couple extra pounds.  And the next time around – it was even harder to lose the weight!

Eating and moving in a way that feels good to you is huge too. I will say it till I am blue in my face, if every time you sit down to eat you are avoiding the foods that you really want and eating food you don’t like, it won't last long.

You gotta love how you eat.​​​​​​​
It's important for you to feel empowered in your choices. Not to blankly follow a diet plan that doesn't have your best interest at heart.

If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you must give up the fad diets. Even when you gain some weight. A fluctuation of weight is super normal - heck weigh yourself and drink some water then weigh yourself again. In fact, I want you to weigh yourself morning, noon, and at bedtime one day – I’ll bet all three weights are different, and that there’s at least 3-5 pounds difference during the day!  Therefore, scale weight should never be your sole focus.  It’s just too fickle!

Again, it's okay to want to lose those pounds, but it's the approach you use. Secondly you can't always be in fat loss mode. We all know a friend that is always trying to lose some weight but is not getting anywhere. It's because she has jacked up her metabolism from dieting, losing and gaining the same weight over and over.

Always chasing weight loss is no Bueno.

And that's all I have to say about that. ​​​​​​​

Several of my clients have had diet breakthrus
 and an understanding about un-dieting. Check them out below:

 You can get the same results and breakthrus that many of clients have made.

Quick reminder. AntiDiet Fat Loss Coaching will be closing tonight at Midnight, CST.

One last thing, ICYMI, I did a Facebook Live about carbs not being the enemy and the gist of my AntiDiet Coaching.

 Let me know if you have any questions about #AntiDiet coaching! Hit reply and let me now. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Yours in Strength & Health