Try it Tuesday - Free Workout

Published: Tue, 06/06/17

Good morning

I love, love training, even if I can't make it to the gym; I will do it right where I am at. Which is why I wanted to share some of my favorite style of workouts when you can't lift the things at the gym, or when you don't have your usual time to train. Enter #SummerSlamDown Strength Training Circuits!

Since starting my #TrippinWithTheSmiths RV road trip, I have been fortunate to get to the gym. However, I haven't been doing longer training sessions. As you know, I've been gearing up for my release of Summer Slam Down Strength Training Circuits for us busy folks that still like to get our lift on.

The workouts are coming along well, and the feedback has been so great so far. I'm already making adjustments and tweaks from the valuable feedback. I can't wait till July to release it, I am so excited because I know these workouts will help keep my go-getter ladies fitness game going and strong through the busy seasons of life.

That brings me to checking in with you to see if you are up for beta testing the Summer Slam Down circuits. I like to invite a few more women to try these workouts and give me the low down before they are for released to the public. Are in?! Love to have you! 

This is the last day to get it for $19.97. Get it right here; it won't be offered for this price for at least awhile, probably not until next summer.

Hit reply and let me know if you have questions about testing these workouts. All workouts are dumbbell based and have video demos just in case you are not familiar with the movement. They also have modified movements with demos as well.

I do ask that you have a working knowledge of squats, lunges, etc..

Here's the short and sweet workout, I want you to try to see what Summer Slam Down is all about. Short, sweet, effective and efficient - Plenty of time left for rest of the days to do list!

Do this shoulder based workout once a week for 4 weeks and your delts will be poppin in your cute sun dresses and tanks this summer! 

Grab the Summer Slam Down Strength Training Workouts
by hitting the Summer Slam Down button below! 

You'll then add yourself to the Beta Testers List 
and get your first intro email with the first few workouts! #LiftTheThings

Thank you for reading! Any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Have a great day, talk soon.

Yours in Strength & Health,

P.S. Remember this offer this offer is only good throughTonight night EST, or until my first ten go-getter women have signed up to be beta testers... whichever comes first!

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 When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful. –Eric Thomas