Are you having fun with your fitness?

Published: Sun, 05/28/17

Hi , 

Good afternoon! I hope this emails finds you resting, relaxing, or just kicking back. Grab a snack or a drink and feast your eyes on todays email. Happy Sunday! 

When's the last time you felt joyous from a workout?  Or felt really good after, during, or before the workout?

Don’t get me wrong; I know every workout won’t always be a grand slam out of the park. Somedays we just don’t want to train, and that perfectly fine. The next day is a new day. Sometimes we even workout when we don’t want to, because we are committed and disciplined, but at the same time, we know when to have several seats and rest. Again, this is okay because it’s part of our lifestyle.

Anyways how, about strong being fun, or your fitness being fun?!

I had such a fun time the other day. Just the other day, I was back in Austin for a brief stint. I had a chance to train my virtual client in person in his Apt. gym. We actually trained together. He is at a high point in his training that I don't have to give instruction for every movement. He crushed the workout, and was like I could have added more weight. ✋🏾💪🏾 Whoop whoop, I said, well next time.

Here's the workout! 👇🏾 Give it a try and let me know, I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to it this week. I hope to beat my time and I'll be increasing the weight - so that may slow me down because I will be resting more. However, thats okay because you can either stick with the same weight and try to beat your time, or add weight and stay around the same, which makes it more challenging. 

The Workout: 
* Complete for time. Record how long it takes for you to complete it.
* Barbell for the equipment. No barbell, dumbbells will work too. Whatever way you to choose make sure you use the same weight for the whole training session.
* Rest Based Training - Push until you can't / Rest until you can push again! The point is to rest. 
  1. 15 Strict Shoulder Presses
  2. 20 Sumo deadlift high pull 
  3. 25 Front Squats
  4. 30 Deadlifts
  5. 35 Push Presses
  6. 40 Back Squats 
After my workout, I couldn't resist the urge to play on the rings, the monkey 🐒 bars, and the other various bar grips - there was a fat bar that was fun to try too - the diameter of the bar was bigger than your standard Olympic Barbell. A fatter bar challenges your grip.

Anytime I'm around stuff that tests my workout strength; I'm game. You see, I couldn't do monkey bars, climb a rope, etc. at one point in my life. Now that I can, I do when the opportunity presents its self!

When I was younger, I couldn't do it, and I dreamed of being good at it. Here I am today being able to do monkey bars and even climbing a rope all the way to the top - which is still challenging.

If I could go back in time, I would never have given up on fun activities like rope climbing and crush it.

I believe we should always enjoy our workouts. I also think they should be fun.

Now, don't get me wrong. It will be hard getting started or even committing to exercise if you come from a background of no physical fitness. The barrier of entry will much easier if you start with something you might enjoy.

I know at first this can be hard for some folks. I think most of the issue starts from how you are approaching your fitness and health.

Evaluate these three reasons why fitness may be hard for you to do:

1. Clears my throat - the all or nothing mindset! The all or nothing mindset actually, in the long run, gets you nothing.

Forcing yourself to train through sickness, pain, or long marathon sessions is miserable. Do you believe that you can't miss any days?

I used to be like this. I would never miss a day, but I was miserable. Then I dreaded going. It was not a good approach to longevity in fitness. I burned out and wasn't enjoying it all.

When I started back, I took a more mindful approach to fitness. I listened to my body. I purposely stuck to 3 days a week, or I made sure to have two rest days a week. Guess what happened, I started to enjoy it again, and my results were even better because I wasn't beating myself down.

2. Doing something you don't enjoy!

All the folks are doing it. So it must be good, it must work. It worked for Susie so then it will work for me. P90x worked for so and so, so it will work for me. Nope! Just cause something works for someone else doesn't mean it will work for you.

What works for one may not work for you. We often find this out the hard way.

If you are dreading P90x and having heart palpations when it's time to pop the DVD in, then don't do it. P.S. By the way Muscle Confusion is a joke. More about that here!

Point blank - if you don't enjoy the way you move on some level, you won't do it forever. Your fitness has to be sustainable as well!

3. Too much all at once.

I understand the drive to go all in. I am an ambitious person, go-getter by heart. I want to do all the things. So, I get it. However, it's totally okay to slow your roll and start with one thing that will get you moving in the right direction.

If that's walking four times a week with your office co-workers, so be it. If that's two 30 minute strength sessions to get started, that's great too.  If it's protein every meal for four weeks, that's excellent.

When we try to do it all at once, especially when we are starting from ground zero, most of the times we crash and burn.

Do the things, but not all the things at once!

And that's all I have to say about that. 

That's my story, and I am sticking with it!

You should enjoy how you move. Of course, I want you to fall in love with the Iron but, if you need to start somewhere else, I'm cool with that too!

Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Yours in Strength and Health!


P.S. What are you challenges currently as it pertains to fitness and nutrition? Hit reply and let me. I'd love to help you troubleshoot.

My Favorite Fitness Reads of the Week:

Book a Chemistry Call: Need help reaching your physique goals, tired of dieting and ending back in the same place? Let's hop on a call and chat about getting where you want to be without dieting or depriving yourself of the foods that you love.
P.S.S. My latest Facebook Live: Check it out if you have a moment and leave a comment and let me know you watched. It applies to so many things in our lives. - Grace. Courage. Trust.