Saturday !
You already have it inside of you. You just have to believe that you too can achieve better health, get stronger, and feel better.
I bet you might be over here reading this, thinking that all is lost. You probably are even saying I'm screwed, I'll never get in shape, and some Summer Slam Down workouts aren't gonna help.
See , you can start right where you are. You could start with one workout a week, then bump it to two, and so forth and so on. It's perfectly fine to ease your way into things
You want to workout, you want to feel better, but you are probably overwhelmed and don't know where to start because you have put it off for so long. SSD probably is a bit overwhelming to you. How the heck do I use 27 workouts?
Pick any 2 or 3 (depending on your time and schedule of course) of the workouts in the program and cycle them for 4 to 6 weeks. It's as simple as that. No
jumping around to workout to workout or not knowing what to do. It’s all laid out for you in the workouts. See, being consistent with those 2 or 3 workouts that you picked will allow you to see progress overtime and get really strong at the exercises in the workout - mastering them before moving on.
I talk about this often, but my approach to fitness is not one of Rigidity. I meet all my clients right they
are, and help them create an approach that enhances their lives.
Here's what one of my Online Clients has said about my programming:
How do you start with SSD?
Start where you are with what you have! The only way to do that is to see what you can do, without automatically defaulting to "I
just don't have the time."
I want you to sit down and look at your schedule - your week's plans. Get really clear with your time and days. Pull out that planner (lol, do people still use planners) or your phone and write in your appointments or your things to do/must do's. All of it. Now go back and look at the
spots that are available.
What's available . Plug in two days of SSD if that's what you have available, so forth and so on.
Your Fitness and health will only become a Priority if you make it Priority, and if your Health is important to you.
I know one of the hardest
parts about this fitness and health stuff is just getting started. Again, get started with what you have, make the barrier to entry for yourself simpler. In fact, get rid of it!
This is one of the reasons why I created Summer Slam Down workouts; the workouts are already completed for you -
no guess work, no contemplating what to do, etc.. Each and every one has video demo, instructions, and modified variations.
So say goodbye to perfectionism, not knowing what to do, or where to get started. You can start right where you are
Although you missed the chance to grab SSD earlier this week, you can still get it, so grab Summer Slam Down by Sunday, July
23 EST, because after then the price is bumping up to $47, it is only $37 until Sunday.
In addition, I am adding a bonus offer- a week of Free email access for any questions, concerns, or form checks you may have about Summer Slam Down. This offer is only good until Midnight tonight,
Speaking of cost, these workouts are a steal, and you can't beat it. There are 27 workouts plus a bonus workout, so 28 workouts for $37. This is like 1/16 of the cost to work with me in person (1:1 Personal Training) or my 1:1 virtual training sessions. Yours in Strength & Health Xo Candace
P.S. Don't forget your bonus offer deadline for today and if you have any questions about Summer Slam Down, reply right to this