Good morning
Are you fit for everyday life?
It's amazing how many people don't see the benefit of being active or lifting the things has to do for everyday life.
My father law and a friend of his recently asked why we were carrying
around DB's and kettlebells with us in our RV. For one, we love to lift the things and our fitness is important to us, it's part of our lifestyle.
Further into the conversation they asked how much one of the KB's weighs. Jeff and I responded that it weighs 70 lbs. They were shocked and asked “What do you do with that”? We lift it; we swing, it, we squat with it, we press it,
Bless my father in laws heart; he's like you are just gonna be so broke down when you are 50 and your joints, etc....
I'm like, that's exactly why you want to be lifting the things - so you are not broke down, can't walk properly, or get up off the
If you are reading this and you are past 40 and have never lifted any weights, I encourage to start lifting. Even if you are under 40 and have never lifted anything heavier than your purse, I'm talking to you too. It's never too late to start. I know you want to be strong, get up and down, play with your kid's or grand kids, or what have you.
Guess what?! You need strength for that. And strength comes from lifting the things, not running, etc... You have to add load, add resistance to challenge your body to respond.
I had an epiphany this past week as I was 4 wheeling, which I am hugely grateful for my physical fitness, and when myself and my husband moved
ourselves in preparing for this year long road trip.
Four wheeling is a blast if you have never gone, you definitely should! I'd like to be active without pain into my 50's, 60's, and 70's if I am still walking this planet, God willing.
Fitness goes beyond the aesthetics,
don't get me wrong those are awesome, we all want to look good.
See, when you take a fall, when you have muscle, the impact is a little less. You'll have some cushion to protect your bones and joints. I lol at this everytime - being able to hover over the public toilet! Squats, baby, strong legs, and glutes. When I'm in the public restroom every single time, unless they have those covers, I hover
and thank God for my strong, powerful legs that can hold me up.
Even getting up of the couch or climbing up into a truck. Lifting a case of water or even a basket of clothes.
Can you do those things with ease? Do you feel strong, like you can take on anything
without hurting yourself or throwing your back out?
Let me leave you with the benefits of Strength Training, outside of aesthetics:
- Improved bone density - You may even be able to reverse bone
loss - Better body mechanics - stability, balance, coordination, posture - Disease prevention - Boost energy - Boost Confidence - Better sleep -Improved mental function
I think you get the point. I could go on and on with the list above.
I'll leave this question again - Are you fit for everyday life or are merely drudging through?
Hope this email resonated with you! If you'd like to
share your thoughts don't hesitate to reach out, respond right back to this email.
As always, thank you for allowing me to take up residence in your inbox, until next time, take care and lift the things!
Have a wonderful weekend!
My Favorite Fitness Reads of the week!
Yours in Strength and Health, Xo Candace