Are Bicep Curls and Hours of Cardio the answer to physique change?

Published: Fri, 10/27/17

Happy Friday , 

I've been hit the gym lately. I've been fortunate to have access to a gym while traveling. I'm super grateful, because it's chilly over here in Washington these days. My program, as of late, requires a bit more equipment with some heavy lifting.

So, I've noticed a phenomenon, which isn't new. Just an observation that I decided to turn into an email which I think will be super helpful whether you train in the gym or at home. I may have even talked about this before. I'm pretty sure I have, but here I go again!

This stuff fires me up, and I want to help the women that cross my path to stop spinning their wheels with all the misinformation that is out there.

This phenomenon is bicep curling, tricep kicking back, really just doing any isolation only moves and tons of cardio.

No judgment, I'm always looking for opportunities to teach and educate. More than just an observation, because women tell me all the time what exercises they are doing, and most of the time they are doing mostly single joint movements.

I spent a lot of my coaching career on the gym floor coaching 100's of women, as well as seeing what others do in the gym, and let me tell you – isolation or single joint exercises don’t do a lot of good, unless you’re already well developed and have some serious physique goals.  For the average person, they aren’t your best bet.  There are much better ways to get some efficient results.

I get it; the isolation moves have a low barrier to entry. They are easy to do and for some, probably just an easy way to get a workout in without much thought - when you are lifting the things you should have a plan, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Some tough love on just going through the motions - don't just go through the motions. Sorry, had to say it, but easy and being slack won't change your body. Easy is earned!

I say that because women tell me all the time that they want to get toned, they want to lose this and that, and the next thing.

Nothing wrong with wanting to lose some fat at all. I want you to feel and look good in your skin,to become the best version of yourself.

The methods and the approach that you are taking are probably not  giving you the results you are seeking. Read that again. Spinning your wheels year after year?

Isolation work has it place. However, it shouldn't be the foundation of your strength training plan.

Cardio is fine too, just the right dose for YOU. Heck, I love my mode of cardio to be jumping rope, lifting weights faster and interval training.

The right dose and right type for YOU, not what Sally is doing or even your husband or boyfriend. If you are a competitive runner then that's a whole different email - but you need strength training so much to prevent injuries and to be a better runner.

So, if I'm not to do just bicep curls, what should I do, Candace? Save the isolation moves for later, first and foremost. You don't have to get rid of them, just press pause for a hot minute.
What to do...

Lift the things, Ha! More than 5 lbs or the weight of your purse. Your arms will still change, even if you are not doing direct arm work all the time. True story!

- Lift with some grit, cause you got it in you.

- Lift in a way that will tax the muscle and illicit some growth and change.

- Lift total body 3 times a week! Include some of the moves that I list below and then go ahead and add 5-10 minutes of direct arm work. Viola!

Some of those exercises should be multi-joint movements, otherwise known as compound movements:

- Squats - Goblet, Dumbbell, Barbell, KB, Bands, Bodyweight: Many, many squat variations

- Pushing movements - recruit all the arm muscles: Push-ups, shoulder presses, chest press: Again, many variations to choose from.

- Pulling exercises - Inverted Rows, pull-ups, lat pulldowns – Again, these movements give you direct  arm work as well.

- Hinging - Deadlifts - all variations, Bridging/HipThrusts, Cable Pull Throughs, Kettlebell Swings.

- Core: Pallof Press, RKC Plank, Farmer Carries (All Variations), Ab Rollouts, Turkish Get-ups, Body Saw

The above are just a few of the exercises I believe that you should be doing to get in shape, tone up, get strong, build muscle, be injury free, etc...

When you start to incorporate those things, you will see the tone, the shape, and feel good! The wheels will stop spinning. I guarantee it!

Thank you for being here and reading my fitness, nutrition, and mindset ramblings!

Yours in Strength and Health

PS. Lastly, I wanted to invite you to sign up for my Food Freedom 5 Day Video Series, How to Eat with Control and Love Every Bite! It's a mini-workshop on how to start breaking the chains of diets and starting your journey to a better relationship with food!
 P.S.S. And one more thing: Have you signed up to hear these amazing interviews from my fit pro colleagues? There's still time to sign up here, it's FREE! 

It's a FREE 5-day online summit loaded with expert step-by-step advice on how to train efficiently, build your confidence, and love the skin you're in.

We'll be sharing our best tips, tools, and strategies for getting and staying fit, strong, and lean, self-compassion, and enjoying the process.

PLUS, you'll receive free gifts from these amazing and knowledgeable ladies to help you take action on your goals.

You won't want to miss this!

You can watch each interview at your convenience --- each day you'll get a new video to watch, which will stay live until Nov. 15th. Watch, take notes, take action, get results! BOOM. 

The fun starts on Monday, Nov. 6th!

P.S.S.S. May I ask what's your biggest struggle these days or even what you are crushing in your life? Hit reply and let me know. I love hearing from you!
 Feast your eyes on these Fitness/Nutrition/Mindset Reads: 


"Any trainer can make you tired, not any trainer can make better."

- What is a jump Start Strategy Session? This call gives you the opportunity to work directly with a Coach that knows all about your struggles. It's a call in which we can work on the one thing that can help you move forward with clarity and direction.