What's cooking and can I have 3-5 minutes of your time?

Published: Wed, 09/20/17

Good morning

What's your go-to breakfast? Do you eat breakfast?

I love Breakfast, always have, I eat in the morning when I get hungry, therefore it's called breakfast. People always ask me if breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My response is "It Depends!" It depends on the person. There is no black and white answer here. 

Any time you eat is important, really. Any meal is important.

What you eat is important. What you enjoy is important.

How much you eat or don't eat is important.

So, it depends on a few factors. These are questions that you will have to investigate and troubleshoot for yourself.

- Are you hungry when you wake up?
  -- If so, eat. If not, don't eat. Eat when you are hungry, but be prepared when you are ready to eat, so you aren't reaching for things that will make you crash, which then leads to eating more.

- If you don't eat breakfast, will you be ravenous before lunch? 
   -- If you are, then you should eat something that has staying power that does not make you crash and burn in the morning for breakfast.
      -- Not just a cup of Orange Juice
      -- Not Sweet cereal or just a donut or some pastry
      -- Not a Cinnamon roll and coffee

The above items don't have any staying power, meaning that they will digest quickly. You will be hungry again before the end of the hour. If you are not prepared then you find yourself at the vending machine eating more processed stuff or eating out of Sally's candy dish. 

Let me ask you this - have you ever ate a high carb breakfast and felt lethargic and sleepy quickly after? I'm sure you have, and this is why carbs get a bad rap. It's the type of carbs, not the Carbohydrates themselves. Those carby items I mentioned are more than just carbs, they are carbs and fat - highly palatable, easy to overeat.

In comparison a bowl of oatmeal with berries or whatever fruit you like, potatoes (russet or sweet), whole grain bread or Ezekiel bread, to name just a few unprocessed carbs. The items above just don't have staying power, which what we should eat less of. If you enjoy them thats fine, I love me a good cinnamon roll too but I know if I only eat that I will not be satiated very long. 
When you eat Carbs alone, no matter the type, they digest quicker than if you had paired them with a protein source and veggies.

This brings me to another question that I often get about breakfast - What should I eat for breakfast? Whelp, that depends on your preferences too.

Some guidelines that I give me clients:

Always, always pair a Protein source (WHOLE eggs are okay, egg whites, steak, chicken, etc.), the rest is up to you based on your goals, activity level, and your preferences. Once you have the protein covered, you can add a carb source, veggies, or fats, or a combination of the three is fine too.

Adjust portion sizes again to your goals (i.e., fat loss, maintenance, muscle gain). Quick note here is that if you are trying to lose fat, you don't have to ban any foods (diet mentality). Yes, you have to eat less of certain things, cut back, but that does not mean extreme restrictions - that is a diet.

Lastly, you don't have to eat breakfast foods unless you want to. Really – We here in America seem to disdain most foods at breakfast, but any food that you enjoy will do!

Wait, one more - Do you have to eat breakfast to elicit fat loss?
Nope. Now, will eating breakfast help some folks eat less food throughout the day? Yes!

How so? Because you honored your hunger, ate the right combination of carbs, protein, fat, etc. at breakfast, which will naturally keep you from reaching for other foods to satisfy cravings.

When you skip meal after meal trying to achieve (Weight loss/scale loss), you will overeat when you do finally eat.

The only meals that should be skipped are the ones when you are NOT hungry. And that's not really skipping; you were not hungry, so you didn't eat, but eat when you are hungry.

Meal frequency and how many meals you eat in a day is a personal preference.

At the end of the day, total calories affect fat loss, not whether you ate breakfast or not.

Again, the navigation of food and meals comes down to individual preferences, hunger, etc. Not what a diet says or a diet book, or even Dr. Oz. You'll have to start paying attention to your own biofeedback from your own body. Then you can make tweaks adjustments from there and use that information to do better the next time without guilt or shame. 

So after all that. This is what is cooking in my kitchen these mornings. I wanted to share the recipe with you. My first meal of the day tends to happen between 9 am-10am. I'm usually up by 6 am and don't eat until 9 or 10; this is when I am hungry. Therefore I eat.

Not the prettiest photo! It sure was tasty.
Recipe is attached with this email. Enjoy! 
One last thing! I'm gathering some info for an upcoming Video Education Email Series on how to break the chains of the yo-yo diet cycle. If you have a moment, would you mind filling out a survey? It's three questions, and it's anonymous, as I know food is a very touchy subject for a lot of women.

Thank you so much in advance!

Thoughts, comments, feedback?! You know what to do, hit that Reply button and let's talk shop!

Thank you for taking the time to read and allowing me to take up space in your inbox.


Yours in Strength and Health,
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