Happy 2018!

Published: Thu, 01/04/18

Happy New Year !

I hope your New Year is off to a great start. We are four days in and my year is off to a great start, how about yours? Btw, what’s your opinion on the cut off for saying Happy New Year? I feel like I could say it until March, lol! Or is that too long?

Anyways, I wanted to thank you again for being here and spending 2017 with me. Moving forward for 2018, I would love to know how I can best or better serve you. What would you like to know more about related to fitness, health, and or nutrition?

So, with that said would you mind doing me a HUGE favor? It will help me create content that will help some many others. Your feedback will be extremely valuable, as I'm working on creating new content and programs to serve my inner circle peeps best!

The survey should take less than five minutes of your time and can be accessed by clicking the link below (at the bottom of the email) to respond anonymously, or by responding directly back to this email.

Any feedback or insights are welcome, you can answer as much or as little as you like!
1. What is the one Health thing that you struggle with or find challenging? Choose from the following, or share whatever I missed on the list, as this is not an all-inclusive list.

Add in your own challenge if you do not see it on the list: Please be as specific as possible. The more detail/information I have about your particular challenge, the better I can address it through my content and future programs.

Some examples:

- Nutrition
- Losing fat and keeping it off
- Sleep
- Stress Management
- Nighttime eating
- Strength Training
    - How to lift with weights
    - How to get started with lifting weights
- Motivation
- How to be consistent
- How to fit in your workouts

Anything else that you are struggling with that I may have missed on the list; please share, thank you so much!
2. What topics that I write about that resonate the most with you?
- Body Image
- Personal stories with my history of fitness and nutrition
- Busting fitness and nutrition myths
- Mindset (changing your attitude towards your body and the way you eat or exercise)
- Health Strategies so that you can be successful with your goals
- Self-Esteem/Self Efficacy (believing that you can change)
3. Why did you join Beauty of Strengths Inner Circle? Has the information, stories, and such been helpful for you?
4. If you were to sign up for Nutrition and Fitness Coaching, what would you be interested in?
-    1 on 1 Coaching
-    Group Training
-    DIY Course (Do it Yourself)
-    Something else
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, I am forever grateful to you.

Yours in Strength and Health

"Any trainer can make you tired, not any trainer can make better."

Social Media Post to check out: Brace Yourselves!