Get your Fitness Ignited for 2018!

Published: Sun, 01/07/18

Good morning , 

Happy Sunday to you! How did your first week of the year go?

Mine has gone pretty well. Every year for the last few years I have set a word/intention for the New Year. I'm not that much into the whole "New Year, New Me" - "I am Enough," and you are Enough.  More on my word/intention in a little bit!

I don't generally set New Year Resolutions because I come from the camp and the idea that you can start or set a new a goal any time of the Year. Whether it's Monday, Friday, while I'm away on vacation, or sitting on the floor of my RV. 

There is no perfect time, or right time, no matter the type of change you are trying to make.  The best time is Now, Today, or even Yesterday.

I'm not here to tell you whether you should or shouldn't set New Years Resolutions, or what you should want for yourself. Im just here to offer another view. 
Check this out though; there are 365 days in a year, 52 weeks, 12 months, and 8760 hours in each calendar year. Wooo, I can't even wrap my mind around 8760 hours in a year, crazy huh? We have all the time in the world, if you just make good use of it.

I do understand the appeal of the New Year goal setting agenda, the fresh start - but more often than not, most folks fizzle out with those goals because they are too extreme and there is no Why, and no How, etc..

All this to say if you are gonna set up a goal, go for it, but have a plan and extend yourself some GRACE. You may fail a few times along the way, which is part of life. You'll have setbacks, and life happens, but don't get discouraged. Keep on going. Take it one step at a time!

One more thing I'd like to stress is to focus on the process, not the outcome. Focus on what you have to do and do that consistently. Detach from the outcome. This mindset has helped me so much - to focus on the process and let the chips fall where they may. Then evaluate, learn from, adjust, dust your shoulders off, and keep going. Try it, and you'll see.
So, with that said my word for this year is GROWTH. Growth in my spirituality and faith! Growth in my relationships, Growth in what I do: helping more women quit the all or nothing, quit all the diets, and get Strong AF, so that they can show up in a big way in life, feel good in their skin, and have a healthy relationship with all foods!

So, what are your 2018 goals, intentions - what are your words, whether it's for Fitness, Health, or your career? Drop me a line and let me know, because sharing your goals bring life and accountability to them. I'd love to help you reach them for 2018.

If you haven't started anything, or are waiting for the perfect time -  we all know there is no perfect moment. If you are looking for someway to segway back into working out, I have something for you.

I am asking my inner circle peeps first! Then I am opening it up to the public.

I have an excellent opportunity for you to Jump Start your fitness! I am hosting a 14-day Fitness Jumpstart to help you fire up your fitness game. I am looking for women who like to lift weights and are willing to show up and provide feedback on the workouts.

A bit about Fitness Ignited: A 14 Day Jumpstart to Fire Up Your Fitness Game:

- Fitness Ignited Jumpstart is a virtual live training class where I will be coaching you through dumbbell strength training workouts live and in real time. I am looking for women who are committed and serious about their fitness to go through a 14 day Beta Group!

- I will be coaching you Live for 14 days from Monday, January 15 - Sunday, January 28, 2017!

- Total Body workouts - Dumbbell based and you'll need a resistance band.

- Access to the replay if you can't join the Live Workout!

- Your money back for showing up being consistent and involved, providing feedback on the workouts, and staying highly engaged through the 14 days in our closed Facebook group. I will hold a raffle and draw two women who meet the criteria at the end of the 14 days, and those two women will get a full refund!

I hope you can join me to Lift The Things and have fun, but most importantly get your Fitness Ignited! You in?!

For More Info, click the button below to get the full deets:
Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I hope you have lovely Sunday!

Yours in Health and Strength,
Coach C

P.S. Hit reply and tell me about your goals and such.
Also, if you have any questions about Fitness Ignited hit reply and let me know!


"Any trainer can make you tired, not any trainer can make better."