Do you walk into the gym and feel lost? Don't know what to do, or where to start, so you just plop down on the first machine that you see.
That was me; I had no clue, I was cardio-ing it up. I wasn't scared of the weight room; I
was just clueless. You see, for a while, I just stuck to the elliptical, that seemed easy and had a low barrier to entry. So that's what I did. Can you relate ?
Many ladies do it this way, as I said above, my self-included. Most start their fitness journey with mostly cardio, then add a little machine work, and primarily arms - 100's of bicep curls and bench dips, and then wonder why their body isn't changing. As a matter of fact, it looks much the same. I know that was true for me – a little initial progress, then….
I kept wondering why I wasn't getting results - it wasn't until I discovered Oxygen Magazine and Muscle & Fitness Hers, and other Strength Training books that I learned there was more to this fitness thing than what I
was doing. I also eventually studied to get my Personal Training Certification, where I learned even more.
I started to educate myself (still to this day - I stay up to date on the current research in
the field of Strength and Conditioning) and Voilà; I learned to lift properly and effectively, and I got real results – I became stronger, fitter, and leaner because I gained muscle.
So, what are those 7 Things or Pillars that your training should have in it?
Your workouts should be about performance, improvement, and strength, not just a bunch of random exercises strung together to make you sweaty and tired. Nor, in my opinion, should they be random workouts picked off of Pinterest.
Sure, maybe every now and then, but just remember those workouts are not structured to your needs. If you truly want to get stronger, fitter, and in better shape, your programming should elicit that. Your training should make you better.
Your programming should include:
1. Squatting Variations - Goblet Squat, Back Squat,
Dumbbell Squat
2. Lunges - many variations to choose from - Reverse Lunge, Lateral Lunge, Forward Lunge
3. Hip Hinge - Deadlifts (many variations to
choose from), Kettlebell Swings, Hip Thrusts
4. Push - vertically and horizontally: Push-ups and Shoulders Presses, Landmine Presses
5. Pull -
vertically and horizontally: Rows, Inverted rows, Pull-ups
6. Carry - Lifting and carry heavy things translates over to everyday life - it's very functional! Farmer walks, Waiter carries, One Arm Carries.
7. Core - RKC Plank, Pallof presses, Turkish Get-ups, One-sided (one limb at time exercises)
There you have it. The list of the exercises are not all-inclusive, and there any many variations to choose from. I wanted to make sure you had an idea of the movement patterns. These movement patterns should be the meat of your training sessions!
I believe all folks should be able to do these movements! Mastering these movements will carry over to everyday life and keep your body healthy and injury free.
Lastly, you don't need a billion and one exercises in a workout. Nor do you need muscle confusion - that's a myth. What is needed is a sound training plan that will make you better and
build you up, not tear you down!
Now, go on and head to the gym or where ever you lift at and get yo Lift on, train smart, get strong, and chase Performance, not Fatigue!
Thank you for being here, I hope you have a lovely weekend. Any questions, hit the reply button, I'd be happy to hear from ya.
In Strength,