When we are forced to our toes during exercise due to the type of shoe,
we can be subjected to injury or improper execution of our lifts. As you always hear me say, use proper form and quality reps all the time.
Running shoes tend to be unstable, not flat, and squishy. Running shoes are for running or
walking, and training shoes are for lifting.
You can test this for yourself, get up from this email and go do a set of squats with your running shoes on, also known as tennis shoes, and then do a set without shoes. Now, tell me
which set was better. I guarantee the one without the shoes was much more stable. Yes?!
What shoe or shoes are better for lifting?
Shoes with a flat sole, no heel to toe drop. Think of Chuck Taylors. One of my favorite lifting shoes are Chucks. I know a lot of folks don't care for them - I love them, they're inexpensive, they have tons of colors and can, of course, be worn outside of the gym.
When Lifting the Things, you're gonna want a shoe that is very stable and not squishy. The shoe should not compress when lifting.
There are many, many shoes out on the market now that have flat soles. Pretty much every shoe brand carries them. They're either called minimalist shoes or Trainers/Training shoe.
Another option is to train barefoot; there are even barefoot training socks now on the market. I know that most gyms don't always allow barefoot training. If you are home, go for it! You will really feel the difference of having a solid base versus an unstable shoe when you're training.
That's it in a nutshell about training with a shoe that supports you in Lifting of the Things. There are other types of Lifting shoes too, depending on what kind of Lifter you are but for general strength training, a flat soled shoe from whatever brand you like will work.
Cheers to Lifting. Let me know if you have any questions about proper footwear, hit reply, I'd be happy to help!
Thank you for taking out the time to read this email, and I hope that you have found it helpful, until next time , have a beautiful weekend!
In Strength,