They call em “girl push-ups”. Really? Women can only do “girl
push-ups”? You know, the ones on your knees.  I’m going to have to disagree!
It was either in elementary or middle school when we had to take those fitness tests, and push-ups were part of them. I didn't look forward to that
day, but when the day came, I can remember wanting to do them just like the boys.
Oh, and the rope climb was something I also wanted to accomplish too. I didn't accomplish push-ups or the rope climb until adulthood. Yay!
Now, if you remember from a past email, I was not athletic or into sports in my youth, except for jumping rope, which I still love now. I just wish I could find someone to jump Double Dutch with – aww, the memories. I couldn't do
any push-ups and was always picked last in P.E. class. You can check that email out here!
This notion that girls couldn't do push-ups, or any upper body strength movement has been embedded in us at a very young age, and I just hate it. Just ugh.
It's no wonder that women believe that we can't do push-ups. For that matter, lift weights because it's manly or whatever. These messages started when we were young. These messages that we received are holding back so many women from getting STRONGER because diet culture says we are to shrink and be as small as we can be. I call BS!
We can be strong; we can lift furniture, we can do push-ups, we can squat our bodyweight, we can carry all the grocery bags in at once, while holding our kid in the other hand, lol!
I'm here to be your beacon to strength, to be that positive voice in your ear that you too can get your first push-up and that you can lift weights, and get strong, and that you won't look like a man!
So , are you ready to hear how to get more push-ups under your belt, or even get your first one?!
First, I want you to get your mind right - stop saying you can't, adjust your attitude with one that believes in your strengths and capabilities. Stop saying you can't do them, or that they are so hard. Put it in your head that you can and envision it!
Next, I want you to stop doing them on your knees. Doing them this way is a disservice to you IMO. They don't really have the carryover to the standard push-up. Sure, you'll get more reps overtime, but you won’t necessarily be stronger for the standard push-up.
Not only that, doing push-ups on your knees is not mimicking a correct push-up.
So, ditch the "girl" push-ups!
Instead, I want you to do Incline Push-ups! You're gonna build strength and confidence with the incline variation, and
overtime be able to move to the floor. Elevate your hands on a surface and up on your toes. If you're at home, you can do them from a counter, a table, or a bench.
If you're at the gym, do them on a barbell in a Squat rack or on
the Smith Machine.
Over time, I want you to lower the bar. You'll know when you're ready to do so. Track your progress and keep at em.
Be sure to keep your form tight even while doing them from an incline.
Body Mechanics:
- Core braced - like you're about to take a punch, not sucked in.
- Glutes
- Hands under shoulders, elbows 30-ish to 45 degrees - not 90! No goalie arms or chicken wings.
- Move your whole body as a
- Always keep proper form
The look on
my clients face when I show them how to do Incline Push-ups is immeasurable. Makes my heart sing. I'm like “see you're doing a push-up”, and you can too!
The only way that you get better at something is by
putting in the work - reps, reps, and more reps. Be patient and consistent. Humble yourself with the reps, quality over quantity. I'd rather have 3 good ones over 10 sloppy ones!
Now go on girlfriend, I'm rooting for
you. Let me know when you get your first one or if you bust through a plateau.
Thank you for taking the time to read. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and make sure you practice your push-ups!
In Strength
P.S. Hit reply to this email and let me know what are you doing for self-care?
P.S.S. I wanted to invite you to join my new FREE Facebook Group Sisters in Strength! I'm just getting it up and running, it's pretty much brand new, so exciting. I wanted to start a Facebook community for women who love to the Lift The Things and for women are tired of the extreme of way of doing things when it comes to diets, health, and exercise. I'd love to have you join us. I think it's so invaluable to have a tribe women supporting and uplifting each other.