Do you walk just because? Do you move outside of the gym or outside of your workouts in general? How much do you walk?
You guessed it! Walking, is the missing piece!
I've been on this walking kick as of late. I like to walk a lot. It's so freeing and refreshing and restorative. I even did a
walking Challenge a couple of years ago. It was so much fun!
I've been challenging myself to hit 7-10,000 steps each day for the last couple weeks. I've been in competition with myself, lol. That's been my Motivation; I'm my own motivation.
I've been sitting too much coaching clients and such. Most of my biz is online now and with that comes more sitting. I'm working to rectify this.
Why? Because, it's important to me, good for my mind, body, and soul. I don't exercise, I
train and move my body for Quality of Life.
Walking doesn't get enough street cred like other forms of movement! I get it though. It's because the fitness industry pushes extremes like running many, many miles - if you love
running that's great, but if you don't, please know that you don't have to – nor the no pain no gain workouts, boot camps and such.
Walking is also boring, amiright?! My husband made me LOL the other day on our walk because he was
saying that walking is boring, and he really only wants to do it when we are together. And if you think about it, it is kinda boring at first.
And, another thing folks say is that walking doesn't burn enough
Lastly, who has time to go on a walk?!
Let's address the last reason first " who has time to go on a walk?!
Just like anything we want to do - get healthier, fit a workout
in, prep some food…. newsflash - its folks who PRIORITIZE IT, that's who has time. Folks who skip scrolling Facebook, Pinterest, or what not have you to fit it in.
Walking is not about burning calories, because it burns
very little. However, it still has value. Walking is one of the forms of movement that doesn't have hunger push back - it won't increase your hunger, nor cause fatigue, which is great for fat loss!
with running, especially if you do a lot of it, you will be hungrier, and if you are trying to lose weight, you'll find that your hunger has increased, and of course, you most likely have fatigue and burnout from running. You don't want this!
Lastly, if you find it boring, walk with a friend, call
a friend - I get most of my calls down on a walk, listen to a book - I love audible or listen to a podcast. I am the most creative after walking. This is how this email came about. Having a writing block, feeling fatigued from work? Walking will rejuvenate you, literally. It's so therapeutic.
You might not think much of walking because you may be stuck in that Mentality of it not being worth it, or it's not challenging enough, or it doesn't burn enough calories. I ask you to rethink the benefits of walking, and you'll see what it can do for you.
Working out is NOT just about burning calories, and this is on the reasons most folks don't get anywhere with losing fat or actually getting healthier. Or they can never stick with a routine - it's because you are just chasing the burn.
Chasing the burn only lasts for a hot minute! Look at folks who only do High-Intensity type workouts all the time. How they feel, how they sound, so on and so forth. After all is said and done, they are no longer doing anything.
We sit too much; I read somewhere that we sit on average up 11 hours a day and get less than 5,000 steps a day. That's a lot of sitting, and that's why we are hurting. Our backs are killing us, our hips are jacked, and our posture too, to name just a few. Less activity, very little movement, and
overeating is the reason that we still have an obesity epidemic.
So, start walking today, even if's just 10 minutes a day to start. Just do it.
What are your thoughts on walking? Do you already do it? Let me know, hit reply to this email!
Thanks for allowing me to drop into your inbox with my ramblings. I truly appreciate you being here. Let me know if you need anything!
Have a beautiful weekend!
In Strength,
P.S. Throw your headphones on and for a walk and listen to a Podcast that I was on this week. A friend of mine featured me on her MusclestotheMasses Podcast. It was so much fun recording with her. We talk all about Lifting of the Things, pull-up, nutrition,
carbs, travel, RVing, and much much more! A
Also, would you be so kind to leave here a review. She's just started getting started with her Podcast. Much appreciated! 😘