pretty sure I surprised her with my answer. I eat chips sometimes, just not those.
You see, no food is ever off limits. Only foods
that you or I don't like, or foods that cause digestion issues.
I can take or leave chips. I do have them on occasion, but they must taste good to
me and MUST be worth it. I also don't just eat chips because they are there. I can have chips anytime that I want them - you can too if you want them - if not skip em. You should never ever feel obligated to eat anything that you don't want.
Now, I have done that in the past, but not anymore, because I'm clear on what foods are worth it when I am at events, parties, or home, etc. I have automated my eating. I have worked to build a better relationship with all foods.
I know a lot of women struggle with food at parties and such. If you are anything like I was, I would actually avoid going to events that involved food. This is no way to live; I had to find a better
There will always, always be holidays, parties, celebrations, food, restaurants, etc... They are not going anywhere; they are
intertwined in our lives. We have to learn how to eat and be at these events without feeling pressure to eat stuff that we don't want, even when it's offered to us.
So, here are some tips for any event with food and such...
1. Eat the foods that you really really enjoy - is that food a Hell Yea or Hell Nah. If it's not a Hell, ya, don't eat it.
2. Get away from the table where all the foods are after building your plate.
- Always have protein on that plate!
- Get a few tasters of things before committing to it. Then you'll know exactly what tastes good and what doesn't. Then get a serving of whatever was the best!
- Eat till your satisfied, but not stuffed. This is a skill and it must be practiced of course, but
the cool thing is you have many, many meals to practice with.
3. If it's a food that you can get any day, and you are not interested, you
don't have to eat it. You can have Lay's chips any time. Instead of those Lay's chips, how about you have Aunt Bernadette’s Decadent Chocolate Cupcakes. Yum, right!
4. Of course, you can bring a dish so that you know that there will be a nourishing food item at the party!
5. Be present, be with
your family and friends, don't be worrying about calories and such. Enjoy yourself! Savor whatever you choose to put on your plate.
It's one meal, one party - all is never lost! Eat the food and move on.
That's it. If someone asks you do you eat those, well
the answer is, it depends on what "those" are, and if I like em!
I hope you enjoyed this email and my hope and wish is that every woman that I
come in contact will do the work to build a better relationship with food through the tools and strategies that I teach.
Let me know if you need anything,
reply back to this email.
I hope you have a great weekend!
In Strength