Good morning to ya and Happy Saturday!
are you ready to say goodbye to yo-yo diets and beat you down workouts? That's what they (beat down workouts) felt like to me and what many women
that I have worked with before they came to me. Workouts that were draining, workouts that made you super hungry, and workouts programs that made you feel guilty if you even missed one workout.
Ugh -
sometimes I think about why the heck was I even doing that to myself. Like you, I thought that was the way to weight loss, I thought that's what I had to get in shape, to fit in a dress that I wanted to wear.
Girl, was I wrong. Nope, it took me awhile to hang up the extreme measures, to really trust the process of strength training, eating to get strong, and eating to lose fat.
couldn't wrap my head around it until I started to see that it really worked. I ditched the scale, stopped relying on it to dictate my progress, and started to focus on getting strong - my deadlifts got better, my push-ups got better. I realized that I didn't have to kill myself in the gym. I was spending less time in the gym and getting results.
I started training 3-4 times a week, sometimes 5 -
depending on the type of training split I was on, and taking at least 2 times off a week off from Lifting and my body responded - it was like magic. Well not magic, but you get the point! Time, patience, and consistency, there is no magic, just hard work.
What had I been doing all this time - not getting results and beating myself down, just like you? Extreme diets, extreme cardio, and light weights with tons of circuit type activity. There is a better way!
More is not better; better is better. Training smarter and not harder got me the results I wanted - "Tone" - which is a result of muscle and less body fat. Didn't happen overnight, but it happened - with consistent training and eating in a way that I wasn't starving, but still dropping