Happy Fri-yay!
What are you plans for this weekend - how are you filling up your cup?
The hubby and I are gonna go out for a fancy dinner and get a good ole glass of wine. As you know, he's been cooped up and going to PT every day for the last two weeks. He's like “I gotta get out!” So, out we go!
I'm excited to get dressed up and do a full face of makeup! If I wasn't helping people with health and wellness, I'd be somewhere doing someone's makeup. I love it, playing in it and practicing, which as of late I haven't been doing much of.
Like anything else in life that we want to get better at or accomplish, we have to prioritize it, we have to practice. I shall put it on my
schedule to play in makeup; I think I can commit to an hour a week and practice.
What's one thing that you like to get better at? Let me know! Hit reply and tell me,
then we can keep each other accountable! You in?
Anywhoodle, I wanted to swoop in and share a few things from this week that you may be interested in.
One, I recently wrote a new blog that I would love for you to check out. It goes over the reasons that I continue to see women struggling with physique results.
What I have noticed with a decade or so of training under my belt is that a lot of folks don’t prioritize Strength Training.
They are always training circuits non-stop, lots of cardio type classes, high reps, and lightweight. While we do have to start somewhere, we should be making progress from
that starting point.
And then, of course, there’s the nutrition piece - either under-eating or thinking butter in your coffee is gonna instantaneously make you lose all the
It is my mission to help women get sustainable results with Sane and Simple Strategies - I can't help but write and talk about this stuff because I have walked the walk,
like many of the women that I am seeking to help!
So, take a moment and read this quick blog post, digest it, and take action on the strategies that I am