Do you ever say I wish…?
No judgment if you have! I did, until I took ACTION on those wishes and desires.
I often here this from folks….
I wish I could be fit.
I wish I were motivated.
I wish I were
I wish I could get started.
I want to eat right.
I'm too old, enjoy it while you can, someone told me the other day! <<-- This is
probably one of my favorite statements to talk with folks about! Why they should start, and all the amazing benefits that come from Lifting, or just moving your body on the regs no matter their age!
Those are a few of the many
statements that I get on the regs from women, even men.
We think that we have to do all the things at once!
That we must change everything at once.
The thing is, we DON'T have to change everything all at once. We don't have to do ALL The Things with guns blazing!
We can really start to change one thing at a time.
We don't have to do a complete overhaul!
When we aim to do ALL the Things, we quickly burn out and say eff it!
So, I'm guessing you are wondering how you get started?
You can get started with 1-2 things. Ask yourself "what are 1-2 things that I can do that will move me
Then you start doing those things until it is effortless. Then you move on to the next.
When you start small, it's much easier to stay consistent and not feel overwhelmed!
Suffering, white-knuckling, or depriving yourself to reach an arbitrary number NEVER works in the long term.
Doing it that way is unnecessary and so defeating. And that's what keeps
us stuck and always looking for the next greatest and latest thing.
So, today, stop wishing and start doing! Start doing that 1 thing! Get really good at that one thing, stay consistent and watch!
Lastly, if it's Simple, it will be Sustainable #KISS!