No, you didn't! You didn't MESS UP!
Messed up from what, might I ask?
So, you ate too much. Overindulged a bit.
Missed a few workouts. Missed a week of workouts.
Maybe you didn't get in any vegetables the other day, or not as many as you usually eat.
You've been getting to bed a little later than normal.
I repeat - you didn't mess up.
We are human; things come up, life happens.
What matters is what you do when we run into obstacles, or bumps in the road that slow us down.
Life doesn't happen in a box, and meals don't just happen at our kitchen table.
My friend, we have to learn how to navigate the middle, the grey area when life happens.
There will always be holidays and such, hiccups here and there.
What matters most is what we do we when we fall down. Do we stay down, or do we get back up?!
I'm getting back up, and I encourage you to do so as well. Dust your shoulders off and keep going. Get back on the "Proverbial Track" - there really is no track. The sooner you learn this, the better off you'll be with your fitness and nutrition journey.
Keep going, keep taking ACTION, even if's it's the littlest thing. If you keep going, you will succeed.
No beating yourself up, no punishing workouts, no banning or swearing off certain foods, or detoxing. Pick up where you left off and keep going!
I hope this helps, my friend. I know this season can be very triggering for some. If you need someone to chat with, don't hesitate to reach out, I am here for you! Reply right back to this email or book a STRONGER You Strategy Call here.
In Strength