Did you have a wonderful holiday?! I did, it was lovely. I traveled to Michigan for a couple weeks to spend time with my loved ones. The time just flew by. I can’t believe we are just two days out from 2019! Where does the time go?
The New Year is upon us, and with that comes all the quick fix stuff. I know how easy it is to jump on that bandwagon. I know because I jumped on the diet bandwagon too many times to count.
All those advertisements sound so promising, don’t they?! It’s like they are talking directly to you, on how you can lose that 10-15 pounds in 21 days or something of that nature.
Don’t do it , don't do it. Do it differently.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose some fat, get in shape, get fit, etc... The problem is the way that you have gone about it.
- You don’t need to be extreme.
- You don’t have to ban whole food groups.
- You don’t have to exercise for hours upon hours.
- You don’t have to be miserable!
I could have made list of 100 don’ts, but I know you know because you’ve been through many, if not all of them.
So, what is it that you need, or desire, moving forward with your goals?
As the Subject line indicates… C is for CONSISTENCY!
Consistency is the big piece here.
Consistency is doing something for the Long-Haul and over time.
Without consistency you have nothing. Consistency is something.
Consistency beats Perfection every signal time. It doesn't mean you'll never mess up, it means never giving up, and when you hit that bump in the road, you keep going.
Consistency is the entity that will move you forward in a big way - not extremes, not white knuckling, not relying on willpower or motivation.
Not jumping on the latest and greatest diet.
The dial movers that will get you the results that you desire, and sustain through consistent effort are:
- Be in a caloric deficit, whether or not you track - not an extreme one!
- Eating plenty of veggies & fruit.
- Prioritize Strength Training: 2-5 x a week!
- Eat enough Protein.
- Eat Mostly Unprocessed foods.
- Rest & Recovery: Sleep!
- Movement - outside of your lift sessions.
- Stay Hydrated.
Those things above are the dial movers! They are habits that you can implement without feeling deprived. You don’t need a diet with a name to eat better, to lose weight, to move better, or to feel better in your body!
When you’re deprived or doing things in an extreme way you won’t be consistent, it’s a fact.
You could start with just adding things to your diet (the way and what you eat), like protein. For example, adding a source of protein with each meal. Do that until it’s effortless and then move on to the next thing, so on and so forth!
Consistency doesn’t mean being perfect!
At the end of the day, in order to stick with things, staying consistent comes down to you finding a way of eating that will allow you to stay CONSISTENT.
Consistency leads to Long-Term Success, but only if you give up the diets - stop jumping around from diet to diet.
You’ll get there by being patient and consistent, cause this stuff is hard. It takes time.
So, for 2019 if you are in the market for working a with a Coach who will help you achieve health, wellness, GET STRONG, and Forever Fat Loss - if Fat Loss is your goal - as there are so many other health and wellness goals that don’t have anything to do with fat loss, then I am the coach for you.
Book your Discovery Call here before my Client Roster fills up!